
My cell phone adventure!

Here ya go. My day, minus a few points. Enjoy!

Check back tomorrow for....

A day in the life... with ME!

I've decided to document my day tomorrow via cell-phone pics. I've got a new 2 gig card in my phone, so I can take all the pics I want to. This is an experiment. If it goes well, I might do it once a month or so, just for fun.

So, check back here, tomorrow night, for...

A Day In The Life Of Ashley!


Hey, I just realized...

I have had this blog for 4 years! I started in October of 2004, and here it is, October 2008! Wow... time flies. A lot has changed since this blog began. Hmmm....

I want to travel...

Has anyone ever been to Taiwan? I haven't either. But I've been looking at websites about it... (most not in English) and it is a gorgeous place. Look at it on Google Earth sometime.... Specifically the Nantou County (right in the middle) and the city/village of Yu Chih. It's beautiful.

Jordan, I know where I want to honeymoon.....



I was sitting in church today and there was a little boy sitting in the row in front of me. He was active, as most boys his age are, but quiet. I figured out why he was so quiet when he lifted up a red and black etch-a-sketch and began to shake it, narrowly missing his chin. These old toys are probably very familiar to any child who has spent any time in a church service. They are amazing and magical. (Unless you click on this post's title, which discloses how these wonders work)

As I was watching him try not to bonk himself in the nose with the E-Sketch, a thought occurred to me. Wouldn't it be great if life were like an etch-a-sketch?

Imagine, You're going along smoothly, life is turning out just how you wanted it to, and then you twitch the knob the wrong way... you fail a class. A quick shake erases the F forever.

Or say you decided to date the "wrong" guy or girl, and the relationship ended terribly and you just want to wipe away the memory of all the hurt and pain... with a flick of the wrist, the memory of the person fades into a film of grey dust.

Or you make the choice to buy something extra this week... one more latte, or a new pair of shoes, or a video game. But that purchase leaves your bill money dangerously low and you can't make the payments... just shake and erase the costly indulgence, and end up back where you started.

It sounds great, doesn't it? Complete control over what stays or goes. We decide what the world remembers of us. We can erase the mistakes with a simple shake.

But is it simple? Anyone who has played with an E-Sketch knows there is no erasing without erasing the whole thing and starting over. Even if you try to be gentle and just tap the board, just to get rid of that one little mistake, it messes up the whole picture. No matter how hard you try, erasing one mistake means erasing everything and starting from scratch.

Imagine if life were like that.

You're in your last semester of college and fail just one class. In trying to erase the F, you shake up the whole thing, and have to start college all over again...

Or with that wrong relationship. If trying to erase the memory, you smudge every relationship and have to begin again with no one...

Or with the expensive indulgence. Try to erase it so the money appears back in your bank account, and you wipe away all your earnings and savings with a flick of your wrist. You have nothing...

What if God treated us like an etch-a-sketch? Each time we sin, He erases us from existence, with no hope. I imagine that would be rather frustrating, just like when we shake an etch-a-sketch and have to start all over. Pretty soon, all you want to do is give up. But God never gives up on us.

God has a different kind of etch-a-sketch. He erased just the mistakes with the death if His Son, Jesus. He still erases the mistakes with His love. We don't have to worry about starting over.

Isn't it wonderful that life is not like an etch-a-sketch?