
New Favorite CD

Go look this one up.


Her music is wonderful! And she is only 15!!

I highly recomment the songs "For My Love" for the girls and "All I Need" for anyone.

Check it out!!



Hey everyone! I know it's the day BEFORE the stuffing, but since I wont be here tomorrow, I'm saying HI now!


Ok, now that I have that out of my system...

Gotta run! Hugs to all.


Book Recommendation!

Hi to all my favorite people! (You know who you are)

And a hello to everyone else as well!

As most of you know, I read voraciously. The latest book to pass through my hands was one called "When Dreams Come True" written by Eric and Leslie Ludy.

It's the story of their romance, from beginning to end. The beginning doesn't start when they met, it began when they were growing up. And it didn't end when they got married, it still continues. It's a wonderful story and an inspiration. It proves that there can be true romance still in today's society, and that there really IS someone made especially for each one of us. If you are in a dating relationship, or even if you're not, I recommend reading this book.

Thats all!


Still Listening?

"There was a time when I thought that I had You
figured out
I told You before and I'll say once more
Now and then I have my doubts
I'll never pretend to know what You are doing
It's true that You move in mysterious ways

I looked for You in
The fire and the wind
But You weren't there as far as I could see
I thought I'd hear You shout
But then I figured it out
That all along You're whispering to me"
Still Listening ~ Third Day

How many times do we ask God to show himself in a big way, just so we can know He is there? How many times to we ask for some sign that He cares for us, something out of the ordinary? And how many times do we get dissapointed when we dont get that big, miraculous sign? All too often. You know why? Because God doesn't need to shout to be heard by us, as much as we think He should. He whispers His love to us every day. Don't believe me? Think about it. You woke up this morning, didn't you? You saw someone smile at you, didn't you? You felt a breeze blow by, or saw the sun come out or felt the rain fall on your face. You felt love for someone, or felt the love someone has for you. You saw a rainbow, a flower bloom, a baby born. These are all little miracles that wouldn't happen at all if God did not exsist, or didn't love us. All too often these little "whisperings" get over looked when all we want is a lightning flash or an audible voice. It's the little things that we take for granted that really show how God cares.

So next time you feel like you need a "sign" that God cares at all, stop and ask yourself, "Did I wake up this morning?" Without a doubt, you'll have your answer.


Concert update

Hello my friends!
The concert has come and gone, and it was AWESOME! Between my brother and I, we have well over 200 pictures. As soon as we can, we will go through them all and pick out the best ones and compile them all into a web album. Once we do that, I'll post the link here for you all to see.
Unfortunatly, I can't stay long tonight, I think I am coming down with a cold, and I need to make up some lost sleep. As I said, I'll post when I have the album up, or maybe sooner!

Take care everyone.


Off to the concert!

Ok, I am off to the concert! I'll be gone until sometime tomorrow. When I get home, I'll post some pics from the concert, and I'll tell how it was.

Gotta run, my brother is pushing me out the door.
