
a day of good deeds

Yes, here at Southern, Martin Luther King day is also community service day. And Jordan, Ben and I are going out to do some community service. Gonna be rough though, we picked a tough one... are you ready for this?

We are going to the park to make balloon animals.

Doesnt that sound hard?? heehee I think it'll be fun, as long as they dont make me dress up as a clown. lol Hopefully they wont!

So that's my plan for today. We are being served breakfast in the gym at 9, so hopefully my ride wakes up in time to pick me up! (oh Joooooooordan!!!!)

Gotta run! much love and hugs.


first week, done!

Well, I made it through my first week of classes, and I think I did well!! Got my homework done... in time. ;-) Been on the run most every day, either to a class, or to an orientation, or to spend time/study with Jordan. It's been fun so far. I am really enjoying being here at school.

My FAVORITE class so far (yes, I already have a favorite) is by far, Intro to Photography. It teaches REAL photography, on black and white film. so much fun! I have a 24 roll that I need to go through before next thursday, cause thats when I go in to develop my film. yay!!

Well, I've got to run. Got laundry I need to put away, and I"m sure there's other stuff I need to do. Much love and hugs!


first day of classes

Here I go! First day! and it's a busy one until 2-ish. But thats ok. I can do it. Wish me luck!



There it is! my dorm room! Well... parts of it.

Daddy and I got down here at 11am, Thursday morning. We drove almost all night. Sooooo tired when we got here! But we went through everything we had to do, FINALLY found my room, and got me moved in. Well, we got my stuff in. I didn't move in fully until Friday. Dad left Friday afternoon around 1, and got home at 6am Sabbath morning. He DID drive all night! crazy man!

I slept a lot Thursday and Friday, and almost slept all day Sabbath too, but I just couldnt sleep anymore! I was a little scared to go to church all by myself. The College Church is MASSIVE. But I did it!! And I survived!

Today I've been all over. I took my ACT this morning. That was brutal. Not the test, but sitting there for 4 hours! With only one potty break in the middle! Eek! But I survived that too. Then I kinda went all over campus. I walked to Brock Hall to meet my advisor, then walked allllllll the way to Hackman Hall and the library, to see how long it would take, since I have to make the walk tomorrow. I go to Brock first thing, then I have an hour til I have to be at the Library, which is the other end of campus. Then right after that I have to go BACK ro Brock for 12. Then at 1 I have to go BACK to Hackman Hall, which is right next to the Library! Whoo! No Freshman 15 for me! I'll be walking everything off!

I also ventured to the cafe for the first time, by myself. I happened to meet a friend from Camp on my way though, so I ate with him for lunch. For supper I ended up sitting with 2 new ppl I just met. We were all headed for the same table, so we just all sat there!

Bought my books today too. Fun stuff. HEAVY stuff. But I can do it. *oomph*

Let's see... what else...

OH YEAH! The ACT scores!!! I got them back today, just checked online a little while ago, and there they were! I needed a composite score of 18. I got.... drum roll please.


Yay me!! I called home (or had home call me) right away! Everyone there was cheering for me! Oh happy day!

Now I get to just putter around my room, being bored, trying to find something to do, maybe reading, maybe music, maybe munching, maybe even sleeping!! Jordan won't be getting here until late, so I probably won't get to see him until tomorrow. But! Our first class in the morning is together, so that's cool! We'll probably meet a little early too. I can't wait to see him!!!

Oh, I know what I need to do. I need to write out my thank-you notes. Can't keep putting that off!!

So thats what's been happening over the last few days. I'll post tomorrow (if I have time) and let you know how my first day of classes went.

Hugs and loves!


College Bound!

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful New Years. Mine was great! Jordan took me to Boston where we hung out with his sister Ashley, and his friend Ben, and Ben's brother. We went to the harbor and watched the fireworks at midnight, shared glasses of bubbly, and I got a kiss at midnight!! Such a good night!

And now the time has come. I leave for college tomorrow! I'm mostly packed. I'll get the last few things together tomorrow. I'm so excited!! Tonight at supper was kinda rough though. It was our last supper together. Mom told Dad to say the blessing, cause she knew she couldnt... and then Dad started choking up while he was praying... I almost lost it too! Tomorrow is going to be hard... I bet my Mom is going to cry all day. My sisters arent much better either. Leah started crying at supper, and both of them are asking me to stay home, saying I dont need to go to college. Ahh! I'm sure I'm gonna cry tomorrow. Doh!

Well, I've got the munchies, so I think I'm gonna go search for something to eat. Love you all! I won't be posting again until I'm in Tennessee!! Bye!