
Happy Sabbath!

Well, I guess I need to post more... I just dont have time! I'm hardly ever in my room, and when I am, I'm doing homework! (or should be. you know how it is)

Right now, I'm freezing. The whole time we were gone on break, it was WARM here at school! But once we got back, we had about 2 nice days, and it's been in the 50s ever since. I really want warm weather! I'm really not much of a cold person...

I'm waiting for Jordan so we can head to church. Thats a good thing about school here... Church isn't so early! There are probably 5 different times you can go, and a dozen different churches. Just gotta be signed out of the dorm by 10:30. Wahoo!

I'm having an issue with my foot too... I dont know what I did to it, but my right foot feels like I have a tendon pinched off, or something. I dont know. but it hurts! I've been wearing flip flops all the time just because shoes hurt. Wore them to vespers last night, and wearing them to church today cause there is NO WAY I'm wearing heels. Tried this morning just to see if it was possible, nope. Oh well.

Well, I really have nothing more to say right now... so I guess I'll say goodbye for now, and maybe I'll write again soon. heehee


Hello loves!

Hey folks!
Yeah, it's been a while since I've posted. Sorry about that. Been busy, getting through midterms, getting ready for spring break. But I've been having fun. School is awesome! The weather has been kinds crazy though. Beginning of last week was cold and windy, but by Wednesday, it was up to the 70s.

Right now, Jordan and I are in Washington D.C. area, actually SIlver Spring, MD. We're staying with Jordan's Aunt Karla while we're here, and having a blast. The plan is to explore D.C. and take some pictures for our final project for our photography class. So far, we're having fun.

Tonight we're just relaxing. Gonna be watching the Oscars later. I haven't had much interest in them in the past, but I've seen almost all the movies nominated this year, so I want to know how my favorites do in the awards.

Gonna head out now. My tea is getting cold.

Much love!