
From the Mouths of Babes

Little kids retain more than we think they do.

I was reading bedtime stories to Sam tonight. We decided that since it's now Sabbath (Friday night) we would read Bible stories. I chose a book that contained stories about Josiah, Esther, and Noah. When we got to the beginning of Noah's story, I asked Sam if she knew who Noah was. Sure enough, she did!

Who was Noah?
"He built the ark!"

Why did he have to build the ark?
"Because of the big storm that was coming."

Who went into the ark?
"All the animals!"

I was either going to cry or laugh. I had never stopped to even think about how much she remembers from Sabbath School. Maybe I should ask her about it more often. I want to know what else she knows!


Fun in Maine!

This week Aaron and I had a chance to go to Maine to visit with the extended family. We went up Tuesday evening, and on the 4th, we spent time with our Auntie Shelley, and cousins Richie, Will, and Kenny. Had a blast! But I have to admit, the highlight of our visit was Thursday, when Aaron and I spent the entire day with our Uncle Dan. I hadn't seen him since Christmas, so it was good to see him again. Even better was the tour he took us on of the Portland coast! There is nothing better than sea air. I didn't want to leave.

I can't even begin to list everything we did... Some of it I don't even remember, we did so much! But I took a ton of pictures! Most of my photos were film, and haven't been developed yet. But I did take some digital, and they came out quite well!

Here's one to tease you. For more, head on over to A Developing Story!


Tick Tock

This song is on Chris Rice's album called "Amusing." The whole CD is wonderful, but this song struck me today. I've heard it before, but today on my way home from town, I listened to it. After listening to it once, I played it again...and again, and again, and again. I suppose it was to hammer it in.

Read it, find it and listen to it. It's a good song.

Tick Tock by Chris Rice

Got our heels dug in
But time is draggin’ us toward
The time when time won’t matter anymore
They say life is but a vapor
Just a blip on a radar screen
Not the dates on your tombstone
But the dash in between
There’s just today, that’s all we got
There’s just today, that’s all we got

Tick-tock, the past is locked
The future’s far away
You can’t go back, you can’t hurry it up
You gotta learn to live today
Tick-tock, it’s now o’clock
The little hand is ours
The secon dhand sweeps us around
And the Big Hand has the power
The Big Hand has the power

Well am I livin’ or am I dyin’?
Will the world get another day?
I hear a baby cryin’, and I pluck out another gray
I’m always talkin’ about a change
But talkin’s all I’ve done
Well I’m gonna start tomorrow
But tomorrow never comes
There’s just today, that’s all we got
There’s just today, that’s all we got

Always runnin’ late
Don’t procrastinate
Leavin’ in a hurry
Life is rollin’ on
Give me just a second
Wait another minute
Sleep another hour
See another day dawn
Call you next week
See you in a month
Celebrate a season
Now another year’s gone
Well there goes a decade, a century, millenium
And here comes eternity, eternity, eternity
Here comes eternity, eternity, eternity
What’s up with eternity?