
7.6 billion years???

I just read a news article stating that scientists have figured out how the earth will come to an end, and about how long it will be until then. Those are some pretty large numbers. According to this article, the world will be drawn magnetically into the sun, and basically vaporize. But it won't happen for another 7.6 billion years.

7.6 billion years...? I'm sorry, but when you are predicting something that far ahead, it sounds more like a not-so-educated guess than a certainty.

But, lucky for us, science says we won't be around for the vaporization, at least not the Big one. Apparently we've only got about a billion years left before the sun has completely evaporated our oceans, ponds, and rivers, and baked our sorry selves to a crisp. Well, at least I'll be long gone (one way or Another) by then.

I guess when you think that we've been here for 3.7 billion years already, it doesn't seem too impossible... oh wait, thats right. Those first 3 billion years we were just pond scum, floating around in nothing, waiting for the big bang to zap us into existance. So the .7 billion years that we've been semi-intelligent isn't that long at all.

Yeah, right.

How is it that scientists are so certain about their educated assumptions? Really, the information in that article is actually quite silly when you really think about it.

Ok, I'll grant the scientists one thing. The whole "pond scum" theory could be slightly possible. After all, Genesis 1:2 says the earth was "formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." If there was "water" there could have been "scum."

But then again, it says the earth was "empty".... I guess that turns the "pond scum" theory into... well.... scum.

What about the whole sun-swallowing-earth theory? Is our home going to turn into solar sustenance? I'm not so sure about that...

The earth was destroyed once so far. God sent the floodwaters to eliminate evil from the surface. Now, I'm pretty sure we are even more evil now than we were when Noah was around, but still, God made a promise after the water receeded.

Gen. 8:20-22 says: "Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done. As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."

Never again will the earth be destroyed. I think that goes for us being solar food too.

What about that whole, ".7 billion years" of intelligent life? Well, since our Bible gives an account of history from Adam to John the Revelator, and contemporary history books can fill in the blanks, I'm not so sure we've been here for .7 billion years. That's a lot of history that's unaccounted for. Pretty fishy if you ask me.

And if we've been told that our final dwelling place, after our millenium in Heaven, is right back here, why would God allow Earth to be engulfed by the sun?

So really this article is a joke, from a Creationist Christian's point of view. It is interesting to see what other people believe, but sometimes common sense out weighs scientific evidence.

At least we'll end the same way we started. With a Big Cosmic Bang!


Heaven in a cup

Its Wednesday, "hump day." I'm in my room, with an brain freeze. The Heaven In A Cup slushie from KR's has given me pains in my head. Blasted slushie. And yet I still drink it. What stupid creatures we are, eh? Something hurts, we know what is causing the pain, and yet we keep doing it. Habit? Nature? Addiction? I'm not sure what it is... probably just stupidity.

Mid-terms start next week. Booo. bah. curses! Mid-terms are not fun, but they are something every college student must endure. An hour, no, 50 minutes, to recall everything you've learned over the last quarter, and then walk out knowing your future GPA is at stake.

Some mid-terms aren't bad. The ones that teachers give study guides for are nice.... if you use the guide. (Of course I do. Cause the ones who prepare me often know I need the preparation.)

But Mid-terms mean one good thing. Spring break is 9 days away! In 9 days I will be in a car with some of my closest friends, heading for Myrtle Beach, SC for 4 days. The Beach! Oh how I have missed the beach! The 5 of us pooled (splurged) on a hotel room for the 4 days. Beach front. Hot tub. REAL TV! hahaha Being a college student in an Adventist school and dorm makes you really appreciate the little things. Like TV. Bathtub showers. Heck, baths! big beds (even if you have to share). Chicken. you know, the little things that Adventist education (and most secular education) deprives you of for the sake of... well.... you're best interest, I think.

Maybe I'll get to sleep in! Oooh, what a thought that is!

So tonight is the lunar eclipse. 10:26pm is the best time to see it, or so I've heard. Let's home it's not cloudy, which it probably will be as it's already cloudy and is supposed to rain tomorrow. Buckets. Cats and dogs. Torrents. (ok, 2 inches is predicted... is that really torrents?) But anyways. I wanna see the eclipse, so it had better clear just for me. Yes, just for me.

Looking back, this blog doesn't really seem the happiest. I don't understand that. I guess I'm just feeling a bit melancholy. Oh well.

Must go take pictures. More musings later perhaps.


safety invaded

Why do I feel edgy and uncomfortable in an environment I'm so used to? And for no visible reason?

There's an older gentleman on campus who threatened a girl a couple weeks ago on the Greenway. It got the girls dorm semi-locked down, setting off the building's alert system with a description of the guy and warning the girls to not go anywhere alone. The police were called, but as far as I know, nothing was done. I guess they think he's bi-polar.

Tonight, as I walked into Brock with Jordan, we were told the guy was on campus again and had been spotted IN Brock! Apparently he is wearing tan pants and a plaid shirt.

None of us in the Mac Lab tonight have actually seen this guy, but now we are checking around every corner and fearful of leaving the building alone. But we personally have not seen him. So why are we scared?

I walk these halls every day. I know every classroom. I know most of the people who are here right now, and if I don't know them, I still see them every day.

But someone has invaded the safeness of my little world. And it's put me on edge. I don't like it.