
Heaven in a cup

Its Wednesday, "hump day." I'm in my room, with an brain freeze. The Heaven In A Cup slushie from KR's has given me pains in my head. Blasted slushie. And yet I still drink it. What stupid creatures we are, eh? Something hurts, we know what is causing the pain, and yet we keep doing it. Habit? Nature? Addiction? I'm not sure what it is... probably just stupidity.

Mid-terms start next week. Booo. bah. curses! Mid-terms are not fun, but they are something every college student must endure. An hour, no, 50 minutes, to recall everything you've learned over the last quarter, and then walk out knowing your future GPA is at stake.

Some mid-terms aren't bad. The ones that teachers give study guides for are nice.... if you use the guide. (Of course I do. Cause the ones who prepare me often know I need the preparation.)

But Mid-terms mean one good thing. Spring break is 9 days away! In 9 days I will be in a car with some of my closest friends, heading for Myrtle Beach, SC for 4 days. The Beach! Oh how I have missed the beach! The 5 of us pooled (splurged) on a hotel room for the 4 days. Beach front. Hot tub. REAL TV! hahaha Being a college student in an Adventist school and dorm makes you really appreciate the little things. Like TV. Bathtub showers. Heck, baths! big beds (even if you have to share). Chicken. you know, the little things that Adventist education (and most secular education) deprives you of for the sake of... well.... you're best interest, I think.

Maybe I'll get to sleep in! Oooh, what a thought that is!

So tonight is the lunar eclipse. 10:26pm is the best time to see it, or so I've heard. Let's home it's not cloudy, which it probably will be as it's already cloudy and is supposed to rain tomorrow. Buckets. Cats and dogs. Torrents. (ok, 2 inches is predicted... is that really torrents?) But anyways. I wanna see the eclipse, so it had better clear just for me. Yes, just for me.

Looking back, this blog doesn't really seem the happiest. I don't understand that. I guess I'm just feeling a bit melancholy. Oh well.

Must go take pictures. More musings later perhaps.

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