
Sitting at work... anything but alone.

Tonight I was late for work. I was riding back from Nashville with Jordan after a weekend video shoot. We were a timezone to the left, and had daylight savings ending, so our inner clocks were completely off...

But I won't blame being late on the time. That would be like blaming athsma on air... Ok, not exactly.

We got up late this morning, because we could... and then I turned on the TV, and we watched a portion of James Bond... then we decided we were hungry, so we gave away an hour and a half of our morning to the Sunday-after-church-Cracker-Barrel rush.

So really it was our fault we were late. Oh well.

But Jordan and I had some good discussion on the way home. We talked a lot about what I could do for a living/ministry. What I would like to do is get kids and teens involved in photography as a way of expressing themselves, and also as a way of helping them find God for themselves. Photographs can express so much, and can help someone see something they wouldn't have seen otherwise. Photographs can be a ministry in themselves.

Each one of us is different. And likewise, everyone sees the world in a different way. Some people may only see the heartache. Others see the positives. And still others just look at the details of life, the little things that make life what it is, good or bad.

Even kids see the world differently than we do. They are so innocent and naive, they would notice so many things that we brush off as just filler, background, unimportant. I can't wait to see what kids see through the lens of a camera.

Well, I've rambled enough. Its time to try to get homework done.

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