
Special Message For...

Since I am unable to talk to this person directly at this time, I'm going to leave a post here. If he sees it, well and good. If he does not, he'll learn this eventually one way or another.

He knows who he is.

Hey you. We had quite a talk tonight, huh? I'm sorry this turned into something so difficult. I never expected any of this. I thought I had "everything all planned out." There was a guy I was interested in, I thought things would work out. I wasn't "looking" for anyone. Then I met you. At first I just shrugged it off for the same reasons you did, how could anything come of it, you were leaving soon and I probably would never see you again, plus, you were probably too busy to email much. I didn't even expect you to email me that night.

But you did.
I never expected to see you again.

But I did.
I never expected us to get to be good friends and spend so much time together.

But we did.
How can I explain that? Something clicked the night we met, even though neither of us caught it. I don't know what it was, and I may never know. But whatever it was was unforgettable. If it weren't, there would be no need for me to write this right now.

You tell me you are seriously dating someone right now. Ok. I didn't expect that either. The thought was in the back of my mind at the very beginning, but I dismissed it, didn't want to think about it. So I didn't.

I do wish you had told me sooner. That does hurt. But I'm glad you were honest with me now. I pray that things work out with you and her however God intends. I also pray that she knows what a wonderful man you are, and how blessed she is to have you in her life. But I also hope you will be as honest with her as you have been with me.

I want you to know that I hold no hard feelings. I'm not bitter. I'm strong, it takes a lot to really crush me. I had a very good time with you, I had fun getting to know you, and teasing you, and even finding out just how far I could push you before you got annoyed. :-) That time was special, and no matter what comes of this, I'll always remember it with a smile.

Please don't be too hard on yourself. It shows a lot about your character with the fact that you don't want to compromise your current relationship by starting something with me. I really admire your loyalty. I know it can be hard in your situation right now, and I may not understand all the in's and out's, but I'm trying.

I know you need time right now to work things out for yourself. That's fine. Whatever conclusion you come to will be ok by me, even if it isn't the conclusion I was hoping for. But I can give you that time, if nothing else. You have no obligations to me, and I'll understand if you move on without looking back. But I want you to know that you do mean a lot to me, you are very special to me, I'll never forget you, and I will always be praying for you.

I leave you with this: Never forget that you have a friend hiding here in Sticksville if you ever need one, complete with bunnies and jackrabbits. :-)

This one's for you.