
Another post, WOW!!!

Hey, I bet you didnt think you'd hear from me again so soon! But I have some free time, surprizingly, so here I am!

Another long day today... But it was fun. More archery, and then I raced RC cars with "the guys" lol it was fun... One person has a fetish with running over my feet.

Tomorrow is my day off. I can't wait! I'm skipping breakfast, and just sleeping in until I wake up. ahhh. Hopefully Mom will bring me breakfast when she comes to see me. And coffeeeeeeeeee..... ahhhhhh

Ok, I'm gonna get going for now. Love you all bunches! Hope to hear from you soon!! Some of you have my address here at camp, WRITE ME!!



A few spare minutes!!!

Hello my friends! I actually have a few minutes to write! Wow!

Camp is going well. It's been busy, and stressful at times, but fun. I'm really enjoying being here.

I am a cabin counselor, meaning I sleep in the cabin (well, in the counselor's quarters) with my kids. This week I dont have any kids though, and I'm kinda glad. I still need some time to get into the swing of this counselor thing.

Well, breakfast is being served, so I'm gonna head up to the cafe. I dont know when I'll be able to post again, but hopefully this will hold you over until then.

Much love!


Today be the day...

I leave for camp in about 9 hours. I'm excited, but kinda guilty too... I can't wait to get there, but I feel bad about rushing out on my family. But I have to do this. I can't wait to get there, and just be able to take a deep breath. ahhh...

So yeah, I'm not going to stay long here. I've got stuff to do, and places to go (last minute shopping) so I can be ready to leave. Please feel free to email me LOT'S while I'm gone, ok? And some of you have the address for the camp, so write to me! I probably won't have the time to write back, but letters keep me going. Give me energy. :-)

Well, I'm gonna go try to wake up. I'm ony up this early to see my Dad before he leaves for work and I leave for camp. I could NOT leave without seeing him. (Love you Daddy!)



Almost time for camp...

Hey folks. It's the week I leave for camp! I haven't figured out what day I'm going down, I think I'd like to go down Wednesday evening, but I'm not sure... If I dont go down Wednesday, then I will go down Thursday. Gotta still talk to Dad about that, see what he thinks. Now that camp is so close, I'm anxious to get there and start my summer. Life here has gotten so confusing, especially concerning one person, I just need a break from seeing them. I need some time to relax and not always be thinking something. Yeah, anyways...

I'm hoping this is going to be a good summer. I dont see why it wouldnt be, but there's always something that could happen. I dont have a boyfriend this year though, which will make things a lot easier. Last summer ended with a breakup, so that wasn't easy. This summer I'm taking a break from dating, so I shouldnt have that problem again. In theory, anyways.

I'm trying to figure out the most economical way to pack. Not easy. I have some stuff packed already, but I'll probably end up starting all over again. And I'll most likely pack everything I wont need and nothing I will need. Such is life. lol Maybe I'll make a list. I always have to when I pack for a weekend, maybe I should for a whole summer... hmmm I'll keep thinking about that.

Man, I'm tired. I think this week is going to be the most stressful for me. Another reason I want to get to camp, I can relax for a couple of days before it gets busy... And if I go down early, I can get settled in before the mad rush on Friday. That will be nice. Gonna have to get as much sleep as I can this week, cause I know I wont get as much as I'm used to once I'm at camp. But thats ok, it's part of the fun.

I suppose I should go work on packing again. I'll try to post more this week, and I definatly will before I leave. I dont know how the summer is gonna go for posting, but I'll try to keep up. If not, I'll try to fill you all in once I'm home again for good.

Love ya!


Time to vent a little? Maybe...

Yeah, so, I'm feeling gray.

Life is overwhelming, it really is. Just when you think everything is under control, BAM, something hits and everything kind of explodes into a million peices.

Or maybe, everything is already on the verge of exploding, and just when something tiny bumps it, then everything falls apart.

Or maybe both.

Yeah, as you have probably figured out, I'm a little frustrated with my life right now. I'm sick and tired of my plans changing for one reason or another. I wish I could just depend on something. Right now, I can't depend on anything! I'm having issues with trusting people, even though things are OK with the person who caused that I'm still having problems. I feel like I'm on the brink of being depressed, if not already there, thanks to school issues, relationship issues, and spiritual issues. I'm a mess! (I put on a good front, dont I?) I don't want to talk about this with anyone, and I really don't know why. I just dont want to. I'm not the one who supposed to have problems. I'm the one who helps other people. Ok that doesnt sound right... I'm the one who's supposed to be the support, thats what I love doing. I shouldn't need to be supported. Nah thats not quite right either. Oh well. Forget it.

If I dont think about my life too hard, I'm fine. All hunky dory. I just need to keep busy.

Yeah, if you know me personally and read this, don't worry. I'm fine. Just dont ask me about school, and dont ask me if I have a boyfriend, and we'll be all set!

Going to bed now, long day tomorrow...


A Simple Friend / A Real Friend

I just got this through my email. I know we've all seen this before, but it's soo good, I'm posting it here. Which friend are you?

A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest. A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.

A simple friend has never seen you cry. A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.

A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names. A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.

A simple friend brings a bottle of wine (or Sprite!) to your party. A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.

A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed. A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.

A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems. A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.

A simple friend wonders about your romantic history. A real friend could blackmail you with it.

A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument. A real friend calls you after you had a fight.

A simple friend expects you to always be there for them. A real friend expects to always be there for you!


It's June!! Yay! And what a gorgeous day it is too! What a way to bring in the month.

But sadly, it was also my last day at the office. :-( I loved working there, the people were fantastic!! They even had a "last day of work" mini-party for me! I got there, and I was handed a card, and told to go downstairs, where they had icecream waiting! lol Everyone had already gotten into it, since they didnt really have time to wait for me, but it was still a "sweet" gesture! I talked to my boss about working there again in the fall, after camp, and he said "We'll talk." I'm sure I'll be able to. I'd rather work there than a McDonalds or a Shaws. Nothing against those places, mind you, I just dont think I'd be able to stand it for very long at all.

I'm hopfully going down to the Tech tomorrow afternoon... still haven't made it down there yet. Grr... Oh well. I'm kinda disappointed that I won't be about away to college this fall (for those who didnt know yet) but I think it will be a good thing. I'm just hoping I can get a different bedroom before too long... I can't do another year in this matchbox of a room... Ahh, the dreams I have...

Oh, Jack, if I'm staying home, you had better come see me more often!! lol

I'm gonna have a busy 9 days... Tomorrow we are headed downtown to meet a friend of Moms, then I think I'm going to pick up Amber tomorrow night, and Friday is Aaron's birthday (He's gonna be 18!! *gasp*) Then Sabbath is gonna be BUSY!! Sunday we're going to Maine for the PTA graduation. (Alyssa, I hope you'll still be here!) And then all of next week will be getting ready, packing, and buying any last minute stuff for camp, which starts for me on the 10th!

Once camp starts, I don't know how often I'll be able to post, but we'll see.

I should go now and see what there is for supper... I'm hungry!

Tata, my friends!