
Today be the day...

I leave for camp in about 9 hours. I'm excited, but kinda guilty too... I can't wait to get there, but I feel bad about rushing out on my family. But I have to do this. I can't wait to get there, and just be able to take a deep breath. ahhh...

So yeah, I'm not going to stay long here. I've got stuff to do, and places to go (last minute shopping) so I can be ready to leave. Please feel free to email me LOT'S while I'm gone, ok? And some of you have the address for the camp, so write to me! I probably won't have the time to write back, but letters keep me going. Give me energy. :-)

Well, I'm gonna go try to wake up. I'm ony up this early to see my Dad before he leaves for work and I leave for camp. I could NOT leave without seeing him. (Love you Daddy!)


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