

It's June!! Yay! And what a gorgeous day it is too! What a way to bring in the month.

But sadly, it was also my last day at the office. :-( I loved working there, the people were fantastic!! They even had a "last day of work" mini-party for me! I got there, and I was handed a card, and told to go downstairs, where they had icecream waiting! lol Everyone had already gotten into it, since they didnt really have time to wait for me, but it was still a "sweet" gesture! I talked to my boss about working there again in the fall, after camp, and he said "We'll talk." I'm sure I'll be able to. I'd rather work there than a McDonalds or a Shaws. Nothing against those places, mind you, I just dont think I'd be able to stand it for very long at all.

I'm hopfully going down to the Tech tomorrow afternoon... still haven't made it down there yet. Grr... Oh well. I'm kinda disappointed that I won't be about away to college this fall (for those who didnt know yet) but I think it will be a good thing. I'm just hoping I can get a different bedroom before too long... I can't do another year in this matchbox of a room... Ahh, the dreams I have...

Oh, Jack, if I'm staying home, you had better come see me more often!! lol

I'm gonna have a busy 9 days... Tomorrow we are headed downtown to meet a friend of Moms, then I think I'm going to pick up Amber tomorrow night, and Friday is Aaron's birthday (He's gonna be 18!! *gasp*) Then Sabbath is gonna be BUSY!! Sunday we're going to Maine for the PTA graduation. (Alyssa, I hope you'll still be here!) And then all of next week will be getting ready, packing, and buying any last minute stuff for camp, which starts for me on the 10th!

Once camp starts, I don't know how often I'll be able to post, but we'll see.

I should go now and see what there is for supper... I'm hungry!

Tata, my friends!

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