
For Jordan, with love!

Baby, I'm-a want you
Baby, I'm-a need you
You're the only one I care enough to hurt about
Maybe I'm-a crazy
But I just can't live without...

Your lovin' and affection
Givin' me direction
Like a guiding light to help me through a darkest hour
Lately I'm a-prayin'
That you'll always be a-stayin' beside me

Used to be my life was just emotions passing by
Feeling all the while and never really knowing why...

Lately I'm a-prayin'
That you'll always be a-stayin' beside me.

Used to be my life was just emotions passing by
Then you came along and made me laugh
And made me cry...
You taught me why...

Baby, I'm-a want you
Baby, I'm-a need you

Oh, it took so long to find you, baby

Baby, I'm-a want you
Baby, I'm-a need you


Whatcha wanna know...

...about me?


Anyways, yeah, new "About Me" section. ha.

Grey Skies Shining

Today has been really grey and cloudy and gloomy. It's so hard to be cheerful on days like this, especially when life gets you down all on it's own. Then, when you're already down, it has to be gloomy weather on top of it. Nice, huh? It was rather interesting when I was at work this morning though. It had gotten really grey and dark, it looked like it does in the summer, right before a 5pm thunderstorm. You know how that is.

So, I was out in the excersize yard (I can never spell that word) scooping poop, which is what I do, and it got all dark and crazy. And then, it started getting lighter and lighter, and as it got lighter, it started to rain. The lighter it got, the heavier it rained. Now, I have to tell you something about the yard. The dogs like to dig. And they dig a lot. And they dig deep. So, there is one area where they have dug about 5 holes all near each other. Right now, it's just a big muddy mess that usually gets spread on me when the dogs jump on me, but it's also filled with water. Well, when it started raining like that, where the raindrops hit the water in the holes, it sounded EXACTLY like one of those indian rain sticks. I couldnt believe it!! It sounded so pretty!

Then it got dark again. The stresses in my life right now did contribute to the gloom, but we wont go there right now.

This evening, I had to make a run into town to take some stuff to the dump, and make a deposit at the bank. Pretty normal stuff. It was grey on the way to the dump, icky. But, on the road from the dump to the bank, when I crested this one hill, there in front of me was the most gorgeous sunset I've seen in a while... probably because it had been so gloomy, and I didnt think there would even BE a sunset tonight.

The sky infront of me was amazing. It went from the grey gloom to a little bit lighter. The clouds didnt look so thick. And then it got a little lighter, and a little brighter.

And then, to my awe and amazement, the sky turned orange. It was SO orange, and bright, and glowing. And right in the middle of this glowing sky, was the sun. It wasn't just any sun, it was a bright, glowing, golden sun. After so long (it seems) of no sun, this was such a beautiful sight. I wanted to pull over and just watch it. By the time I saw it, the sun was at that point where it would disappear into the horizon in minutes. But I had a time limit, and I couldnt just watch. But it was such a rich, bright color, it just made you feel warm inside.

I made my turn, reluctantly, and continued on my way. By the time I made it to the bank, which was just about 2 minutes away, it was gone. Everything was kinda gloomy again, except for the horizon which still had the blue-silver color to it.

I did my thing at the bank, and headed home. By now, the colors had all disappeared, but left behind in the air was a soft rosey color. Everything had a pink hue to it, but the sky was in no way pink. It was amazing.

Now it's just dark outside. No stars, too many clouds. But maybe tomorrow will be bright. One can only hope...

Shhh, I'm sleeping...

yes I am! I really, really am!


Yeah, so, I am just feeling so overwhelmed with this one thought of mine. (thats a confuzzling sentence) I keep thinking this thought, and it wont go away. Every time I manage to think about something else, I see something or hear something that reminds me of my thought, and then I'm thinking about it all over again! When I should be sleeping (like now) I think this thought. When I should be doing homework, I think this thought. When I'm in class, I think this thought. The first thing I think about when I wake up is this thought. I just can't get away, it's always there.

I guess the only way to get to sleep right now is to get this thought out in the open. Think you can handle it? I hope so... cause I need to share. Are you ready? Here goes....


Ahh, I feel so much better now! Time for sleep.

Goodnight! :-)


Roasty Toasty Ashy

I like woodstoves.

They are warm.

I like being warm.

And they smell good.

Woodstoves are my friend.

Do you like woodstoves?


Dont Cry Over Spilt Fresca

Hello World!!!

I just dribbled fresca on myself. Go me!

I just had a wonderful weekend! My Jordan came up to pick up his car, and I went down to spend the weekend at his house with him and his parents. Last I knew, he'd have to leave Saturday night to drive back to Southern. When I saw him Friday night, he told me he was able to stay until Sunday! Yay!!! It was so good to see him!! Only about 3 more weeks until he's home for Christmas break. Yes, life is good.

Today my mission was getting in touch with Southern. I did get a hold of the Dept. head of Journalism. Yippie! He and I have been emailing back and forth all afternoon. Now I'm just waiting to hear from admissions and the FinAid depts. I may call them tomorrow. I need to call about the ACT too... And pull together a $250 commitment payment. Ahh, so much to do!

I can't wait to get down there. Hopefully my car will be working again by then... We can hope... otherwise I have no clue HOW I'm going to get down there, how I'm going to get my stuff down there!

Well, I suppose thats all for an update right now. I'll write again soon!


Out Of Time

Out of time. What does that make you think of? Deadlines? Too late?

How about I give you a new way to think of being "out of time."

Read the words to this song:

So, you're hungry for a taste of the other side
Where the grass is thick and green
But your feet are on familiar ground
Frozen and afraid of what you might lack
Oh, if that's all that's holding you back

Come on, step out of time
Fall out of line
Leave a mark they cannot erase
Find your heart and lose your mind
Watch the journey unwind
And let it be a new day
Out of time

How's your story gonna read
When they call your name
And it's all there in black and white?
Will you follow? Or will you lead?
Will you quietly disappear?
Or is the whole world gonna know
That you were here?

It's time to be free
It's time just to live what you believe
What you gonna do with the life you're living?
What you gonna do with the time you're given?
When you're free, you have been forgiven
Now come on and step out of time

So, what do you think of that? Take a step out of time.


Just wanted to share that!


Southern, Here I Come!!

I got accepted!!!!! I got an email from them this morning (in responce to the one I sent them last night) and I'm in!!!

I still have to take the ACT, but I can do that when I get down there.

I'm really going!!!! And I'm going soon!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!! So excited!!!

I can't wait! And I did it *almost* all by myself! heehee, I'm a big girl now!



Yeah, yeah, it's been a while...

Ok, due to a few demands (Jen and Jordan) I'm posting once again!

I know, it's been a couple weeks since I posted last, but I've been kinda busy...

Work has been work. Getting kinda tough now that it's getting colder. I really dont do cold well. (Tennessee, here I come, just a few degrees warmer and I'll be happy) Last week I worked over time. My boss was on vacation, so I had to feed the puppies in the evening too. On top of that, I've been sick. Icky. Still sick. My head is so full of... well, you dont want to know about that.

As for the good (HA) news... we're down to just Aaron's truck and Mom's van. My car is broked! My car is not happy right now. It had a run in with a pile if gravel and dirt. Yeah. My radiator got pushed back into the engine, my hood was jammed shut from the inside, fans and belts and headlights.... if you just look at the outside, it doesnt look too bad. But if you look closely, it looks painful. My poor car!!! Very sad... (and NOT my fault, just so you know)

I made a ducktape purse for someone last week! One of the girls from my class saw mine and loved it. She bought me the duck tape for it, plus extra, and I made it over the weekend. Yay for me! My first order! :-)

And some more good news! I get to see Jordan this weekend! Yay! He's flying up to pick up his car. heehee Happy me, I get to see my hunny!

Ok, that's all now. I've updated, I've posted, my fans should be happy now. *wink*

Love and hugs!



The snack that smiles back, Goldfish!

Ok, now, with that out of my system....

So, life is good, dontcha think?? Especially the cinnamon Life....

Alrighty, my life is finally looking like it's starting to go somewhere! Somewhere outside of NH! Yahoo!

I got my FAFSA filed yesterday, only have one more thing I need to do for that before I find out how much funding I can get. I talked to Southern yesterday about some things I was wondering about. As soon as I get my transcripts, I'm gonna mail them and my GED scored down to the school, and then we'll find out if I'm accepted!

PRAY PRAY PRAY!!! I want to get down there in January!!

Ok, thats all!


It's a Coffee Sort of Day.

Yep, yep, yep. Coffeeeeeee.

So, how's the world doing today? Doog? Doog.

I probably should have titled this post "procrastination" since that's all this is. I have homework to do, people to call, but I just feel like writing a little bit.

So, I called Southern yesterday about the ACT. Good news! They are offereing th test several times between December and January! I should have no problems getting into one of them.... provided I get accepted.

That's one of the calls I have to make today! Call Admissions and ask them a few questions.

Hey, I just went outside, it's almost 70!!!!! well, ok, 65. But still!! After freezing my butt off over the last few weeks, this is nice!!! I hope it lasts through the end of the week, I'd love to work in warm weather again! Been sooooo coooold....

Well, I'm off to find some food, scrounge I think it's called... Then it's to the homework!! dun dun dun....

Much love to all!