
Grey Skies Shining

Today has been really grey and cloudy and gloomy. It's so hard to be cheerful on days like this, especially when life gets you down all on it's own. Then, when you're already down, it has to be gloomy weather on top of it. Nice, huh? It was rather interesting when I was at work this morning though. It had gotten really grey and dark, it looked like it does in the summer, right before a 5pm thunderstorm. You know how that is.

So, I was out in the excersize yard (I can never spell that word) scooping poop, which is what I do, and it got all dark and crazy. And then, it started getting lighter and lighter, and as it got lighter, it started to rain. The lighter it got, the heavier it rained. Now, I have to tell you something about the yard. The dogs like to dig. And they dig a lot. And they dig deep. So, there is one area where they have dug about 5 holes all near each other. Right now, it's just a big muddy mess that usually gets spread on me when the dogs jump on me, but it's also filled with water. Well, when it started raining like that, where the raindrops hit the water in the holes, it sounded EXACTLY like one of those indian rain sticks. I couldnt believe it!! It sounded so pretty!

Then it got dark again. The stresses in my life right now did contribute to the gloom, but we wont go there right now.

This evening, I had to make a run into town to take some stuff to the dump, and make a deposit at the bank. Pretty normal stuff. It was grey on the way to the dump, icky. But, on the road from the dump to the bank, when I crested this one hill, there in front of me was the most gorgeous sunset I've seen in a while... probably because it had been so gloomy, and I didnt think there would even BE a sunset tonight.

The sky infront of me was amazing. It went from the grey gloom to a little bit lighter. The clouds didnt look so thick. And then it got a little lighter, and a little brighter.

And then, to my awe and amazement, the sky turned orange. It was SO orange, and bright, and glowing. And right in the middle of this glowing sky, was the sun. It wasn't just any sun, it was a bright, glowing, golden sun. After so long (it seems) of no sun, this was such a beautiful sight. I wanted to pull over and just watch it. By the time I saw it, the sun was at that point where it would disappear into the horizon in minutes. But I had a time limit, and I couldnt just watch. But it was such a rich, bright color, it just made you feel warm inside.

I made my turn, reluctantly, and continued on my way. By the time I made it to the bank, which was just about 2 minutes away, it was gone. Everything was kinda gloomy again, except for the horizon which still had the blue-silver color to it.

I did my thing at the bank, and headed home. By now, the colors had all disappeared, but left behind in the air was a soft rosey color. Everything had a pink hue to it, but the sky was in no way pink. It was amazing.

Now it's just dark outside. No stars, too many clouds. But maybe tomorrow will be bright. One can only hope...

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