
My Dad

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have the world's best Dad. Don't try to argue the point with me, you won't win. My Dad is the best and thats all there is to it.

Since I can remember, Dad has been working. The job and the hours have changed, but the quality and effort hasn't. My parents decided a long time ago that my Mom would be a stay-at-home mom, and Dad would work. I can't thank them enough for that. While Dad worked long hours, sometimes at night, sometimes gone for a week, I knew it was for me. (And my 4 siblings, of course) And even through the hardest time for my family, I never doubted his love for me.

My siblings and I were (and the youngers still are) home schooled. Mom was my teacher for a while, and then I was my own teacher through correspondence classes. Dad didn't often help with my "formal" education. But I think he has taught me something better. Determination, commitment, respect, and loyalty.

With every job my Dad has held, he has worked hard. He has even taken on more hours that is healthy for a normal human being, because he said the job would get done, and stuck with it until it was. When co-workers have quit and gone home for the day, Dad will finish what they left undone.

I suppose you could say Dad is a people pleaser, but not in a brown-noser kind of way. My Dad earns the respect of others by giving others respect. That's where I get it from. :-) (I also get my stubbornness from him) He earns loyalty by being loyal. For the most part, my Dad lives by the golden rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated.... even if others still don't appreciate him.

Now, before you go thinking I'm biased (even though I am) I must point out that my Dad is not perfect. He has a temper. When he is upset, he doesn't like to talk about it. He lets things eat at him to avoid ugly confrontation. And if you hurt him, it takes a while for him to forgive, though he will eventually.

These things used to bother me. Growing up, I couldn't understand why he was like that. There were some nights when you could cut the tension in the house with a knife. I'm still not sure I understand...

But then I started dating Jordan. Over the three years we've been together, Jordan has seen both my good side as well as my bad side. In talking about things, he has brought to my attention that I have a lot of the same qualities as my Dad. I already knew we shared the same feelings about respect and loyalty. (Ask any of my friends... if you don't respect me, I lose respect for you. Fast.) But along with all of the good qualities, we share many of the bad ones too.

So while I still don't fully understand some of my Dad's character traits, it is easier for me to accept them, knowing I have them too. I just hope we never get each other too upset!

My Dad is wonderful. In his quiet, subtle way, he's always got some way of showing me how proud he is of me... and sometimes, it's not so quiet. Like today. I got home from vespers, and found a message from him telling me just how proud he was. It was really special. I don't get to talk to him much because we are both busy people now. But when I get little messages like that from him, it makes me smile.

I must admit though... I'm not looking forward to him walking me down the aisle at my wedding... Don't get me wrong, I want him to... but when he starts crying, I'm going to lose it, and all my pretty make-up is going to run right off my face... and it will be all his fault! ;-)

Dad, if you're reading this (which I'm sure you are) I just want to tell you that I love you. And I'm proud of you too.
From your first "Daddy's little girl" xoxo

1 comment:

Andy said...

Love you too Sweetie!!