
Condo or Heart????


I was talking with my friend Alyssa (Hi Judd!) and the topic of boyfriends came up. I mentioned that right now the "Boyfriend Apartment" of my heart was vacant. This led to a very good discussion about the Condo of our Hearts. I will elaborate. :-)

My heart is like a condo building, with different apartments for different people in my life. There are the dorm rooms for all my friends; the Family condo, with rooms for all my siblings and extended family; the Boyfriend Apartment; and several guest rooms.

The Friend Dorm rooms. They are split up into Best Friend rooms and Friend Rooms. The Best Friend rooms surround my private dwelling, always just a call away, or even a thought away. The Friend rooms are close, but not as close as the Best Friend rooms. All together, these rooms tend to change owners often as my friends move on in their lives. They may move from a Best Friend room to a Friend room, or vice versa. Or, in very hard situations, may move out altogether.

The Boyfriend Apartment has been vacant for a while now. It might be a little intimidating at the moment. It needs upkeep, TLC, and commitment. A couple of guys have taken a peek inside the door, but in the end decided to just sign the guestbook and promise to "keep in touch."

Alyssa went on to ask me where my husband would one day take up residence. I told her, The Honeymoon Suite, of course! When that happens, the Boyfriend Apartment will be turned into bedrooms for the kids!

But in order to get to any of these rooms, you have to go through the Master Suite, lived in by my Landlord, Jesus Christ. You have to stop here before going into any of the other rooms or apartments. You have to be cleared for entry before taking up residence.

There is a BIG room in the back full of file cabinet after file cabinet. These are all my memories over my 18 years. Some are a little dusty, others are so new they haven't been added to any drawer just yet and are just sitting in a pile right inside the door.
But most important in my eyes is the guestbook right inside the front door. All the people I have come in contact with throughout my life have signed this book, and their picture is there too. There are categories in this book; "crushes," "friends," "acuaintences," "boyfriends," "best friends," "awesome adults," and a miscellaneous category. I know each name in this book, though some have been in there so long, I may not remember them right off.
So there you have it, the Condo of my Heart. Feel free to stop in anytime!
God Bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love it!