
The Inimitable Has Returned!!

Hey Folks! Sorry I haven't posted in a while... life got away from me and I was trying to catch up!

You know, there are a few things in my life that just make me so happy..... One is completely and totally pulling the wool over the eyes of my entire family and extended family, and then surprizing them when they least expect me.

This past weekend, December 12th to be exact, my family was having Christmas with my Mom's family. The party was being held in Freeport Maine, at my Aunt's house. When planning started for this get-together, I told everyone from the start that I wouldnt be able to make it, I had a birthday party that weekend that I had promised to attend. (Love you Adah!) A week before the scheduled event, I confided in my Dad and my brother that I still wanted to attend, and would work it out so I could. But they couldnt tell ANYBODY. And they didnt.

The day before the party, Saturday, as I was getting ready to head to Adah's, my Mom told me she REALLY wished I could come. I told her I did too, but that I would see her Sunday night when they got home. Quite a good performance, if I do say so myself. I tried not to giggle as I gave my Dad a hug and headed about my merry way.

Sunday I headed out from Adah's, giving myself enough time to get to Aunt Shelley's just in time to make a grand entrance. Everyone knew I was busy that weekend, no one was expecting me. I pulled in, walked up to the door, and as soon as I stepped in the house, a chorus of "ASHLEY!!" rang up. My Mom and my aunt were in shock that I was there, my sisters were ecstatic, Sam, the baby, gave me a big hug and a sweet smile.

I got just the reaction I was going for. It made me happy. :-)

The second thing that really makes me happy happened just a couple days ago. I was home watching the three little girls, Hannah, Leah, and Sam. Sam was grumpy. So H and L gave her a bath, got completely soaked, and had fun doing it. When Sam got out, I put her in her fuzzy jammies (the kind that is SO CUTE on little kids) and the big girls put on Lady And The Tramp. Sam climbed up in my arms, settled her little head down on my shoulder, and watched the movie until she just couldnt stay awake any longer. She fell asleep, right there, on my shoulder. I had been in a not-so-great mood myself that day, but having Sam fall asleep on me like that just made everything that was bugging me fade away. It's funny how little kids can do that...

So yeah, it's just little things like that that light up my life. Surprizes and sleeping 2-yr olds...
Life is good. :-)

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