

Hello my friends.

It is raining. Still. I think I'm getting moldy.

Sorry I haven't written in a while, I've had a lot on my mind, and didnt feel like posting. But I think I'm better now!

I'm sitting here, with my mocha beside me (how many times have we seen that?) thinking about a lot of things... I'm not sure how much I want to type here though. Hmmm...

Camp is coming in two short weeks...I am not even ready yet. I've got shopping to do! My last paychecks from the office are going towards stuff for camp. My list isnt that long, but its things I'm not gonna be able to do without.

Oh, I need to set up a checking acct soon... I've got my savings, but that's not always convenient.

I have one week of work left at the office, and I'm gonna miss it there! I think I'm going to talk to my boss about working there again after camp, maybe actually answer telephones this time. heehee I really don't mind the work there. It's all filing, which doesnt take too much brain power. I just have to know my ABCs!

So, yesterday evening I was a wreck. The weight of school finally got me. My GED has been pushed back to August. I haven't sent in my applications for college yet because I dont have the money for the fees. And I dont have time to get all of that done before camp.

Hmm, I don't think I want to get into the rest of that right now... I need to go hop through the shower.




Wow, I'm tired! haha!

Star Wars last night was... good! I won't write my thoughts just yet, I'll give you all a chance to see it first. Then you can form your own opinion. :-)

Tomorrow morning we leave for the prayer retreat! YEAH! I've been waiting for this for a LONG TIME! I'm trying to get my friend Adrianne to go, but it's REALLY last minute, so that probably won't work. But hey, I can try! lol

I've got a lot of driving to do tomorrow. I'm hoping to get us outta here by 9-30-ish. That's the plan anyways. heehee. Let's see... 3 and 1/2 hours at least to get there... I wonder how many CDs I can go through in that time... Lets find out! haha

Well, I gotta go peel potatoes. I probably won't have time to post before I leave tomorrow, so, until the next time I write, have a wonderful weekend!!

God Bless!


Star Wars!!

Can you hear it? It's the Star Wars theme!!!

Tonight I do see the movie, with Aaron, Jake, and Mike. Gonna be a blast!!

Gotta run for now, but I'll post, tomorrow probably, all about the movie.




I forgot to post these the other night!!

Here are the verses I pulled out the other day. Enjoy!
*Judd, check these out, you'll understand better than anyone why I picked them! heehee*
All verses are NIV unless specified.

Genesis 24:12-27 The Message (MSG)
1 Samuel 16:7
Psalm 1:1-3
Psalm 15
Psalm 18:20-24 MSG
Psalm 20:1, 4
Psalm 25:16
Psalm 27:14
Psalm 37:4
Psalm 42:5 MSG
Psalm 119:82, 84, 109, 116
Song of Songs 3:5
Jeremiah 29:11
Romans 12:9-21 NIV & MSG
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Ephesians 5:22-33 MSG
Philippians 4:8, 19
1 Timothy 4:12
1 Timothy 6:11
2 Timothy 1:12
2 Timothy 2:22
Hebrews 11:1
James 1:17

There ya go! Those are the verses that have a special significance to me concerning relationships. They may hold a different significance to you. Hope they at least touched your heart!

TTFN, Ta ta for now!


Just for fun!

What Icons are for you? by ladyallie


Favourite Colour


Your Love icon is...

Your Sad Icon is...

Your Happy Icon is...

Your Angry Icon is...

Your Food Icon is...

Your Animal Icon is...

Your Random Icon is...

Your Cartoon Icon is...

Your Sexy Icon is...

Quiz created with MemeGen!


Dun Dun Dun

Hey look, I'm GREEN!! hahahaha

How are yall doin'? I think I'm finally over being sick, for the most part. I can sing again! I drove my brother nuts on the way home from the Bible study last night, I turned on my country radio station, and was singing along. He didnt like it much. The music, not my singing. Can you believe he doesnt like country music? Its unbelievable! Who could NOT like country music?? lol

I guess I'll keep him though, for Amber's sake. haha!

Prayer Retreat is in a week!!! YEAH! I am SO HAPPY!!! I found out last night at the study that there are a LOT of people from my church going. We're gonna be the Concord Contingent! We'll cordon off a part of the lodge just for Concord people. lol We'll take up half the meeting house!! hahahaha Well, Ok, maybe I'm exadurrating a little bit... But there will be many of us! The poor church back home is gonna be empty next weekend. Between the Prayer Retreat and the Pathfinders all being gone somewhere... wow.

So, I was thinking the other night, and reading some in my Bible, and I came across some cool stuff. With all thats been happening lately in my dating life, I've been thinking a lot about relationships and being single and letting God direct that part of my life. The other night I found some verses that really help with that. Most of them are just verses about God leading in your life, but they can apply to this too. I'll post them here later today.

Mom and Sam and Aaron are going out today, groceries! So the twins and I are gonna have some fun girl time here....after chores are done, of course. But since I'm in charge, even chores will be fun! I mean, how can you not have fun doing dishes when you have Superchick or Hawk Nelson or BarlowGirl playing LOUDLY over the stereo?! Maybe I'll even put in some Brad Paisley or Rascall Flatts! hahahaha I will convert this family to country music someday!

Ok, I need to get going for now. Need to take my shower and start my day. I've spent the last couple hours since I woke up reading. I had to finish my book so I can move onto the next one! (Just finished book 3 in a 5 book series.) I plan on starting the next book today...sometime... :-)

Going now!


I'm back

Hello my friends!

I truly apologise for not writing more. I've had a ton of stuff on my mind, and haven't really felt like sitting down to write. But I'm here now, so watch out! :-)

So lets see, whats been happening... Well, I think I mentioned I was sick... but I dont remember... so, Guess what?! I was sick ALL last week! Like really sick, spent all day in bed, achy all over, unable to breathe, THAT kind of sick! Not fun! But I'm all set now... just still have the stuffy/runny nose thing, and my voice hasn't come back yet. I was told by my loving cousin this weekend that I sounded like I've been smoking. haha (the same cousin who used to call me Ashtray)

My brother just came in, fresh out of the shower, and he looks like one of those really shaggy dogs. lol I guess he's waiting for a haircut.

Oh, I got my new glasses last week! They're dark green, but look black sometimes. I love them so much! I got prescription sunglasses too, which are totally cool. I'm happy. :-)

Prayer Retreat is coming up in a week and a half!!! May 20-22!! I am SO excited... I need it so much! With all the stuff I've been dealing with, that retreat will be more like a vacation! One of the highlights is the Golden Silence, two full hours of no speaking. Everyone goes off on their own, they can do what they want, but it must be silent. The last few times, I've spent the time with Jeremy, who cannot stay that quiet for that long. :-P (You know I'm right, Jeremy!) So this time I am making sure I'm alone. Just me, my blanket, my Bible, and my notebook. I know exactly where I'm gonna go too... but I'm not gonna say where, because then people will follow me there! muahaha

Wow, I was just handed a check for $50!

Man, I hope my voice comes back to normal SOON! I'm listening to my country station, and I wanna sing, but I cant!:'-( Thats been the hardest part about being sick, I can't sing. I just need to be able to sing for the retreat. If I can't sing there, I will be SO man! haha

Well, I suppose I should get going. I have an hour before I need to go to work...less actually, cause I need time to stop at the bank, get gas, and maybe get a coolata. heehee

Hugs to everyone!


Oh my!

It's been a while since I've written! Yikes! I'm slacking off!! :-( But I have good reason this time, I was sick in bed all week! Yucky stuff... But I'm better now, yay!

I really can't write long, headed to bed soon, and I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow, but I felt bad about not writing for a while... so here I am!

And there I go!
