
Dun Dun Dun

Hey look, I'm GREEN!! hahahaha

How are yall doin'? I think I'm finally over being sick, for the most part. I can sing again! I drove my brother nuts on the way home from the Bible study last night, I turned on my country radio station, and was singing along. He didnt like it much. The music, not my singing. Can you believe he doesnt like country music? Its unbelievable! Who could NOT like country music?? lol

I guess I'll keep him though, for Amber's sake. haha!

Prayer Retreat is in a week!!! YEAH! I am SO HAPPY!!! I found out last night at the study that there are a LOT of people from my church going. We're gonna be the Concord Contingent! We'll cordon off a part of the lodge just for Concord people. lol We'll take up half the meeting house!! hahahaha Well, Ok, maybe I'm exadurrating a little bit... But there will be many of us! The poor church back home is gonna be empty next weekend. Between the Prayer Retreat and the Pathfinders all being gone somewhere... wow.

So, I was thinking the other night, and reading some in my Bible, and I came across some cool stuff. With all thats been happening lately in my dating life, I've been thinking a lot about relationships and being single and letting God direct that part of my life. The other night I found some verses that really help with that. Most of them are just verses about God leading in your life, but they can apply to this too. I'll post them here later today.

Mom and Sam and Aaron are going out today, groceries! So the twins and I are gonna have some fun girl time here....after chores are done, of course. But since I'm in charge, even chores will be fun! I mean, how can you not have fun doing dishes when you have Superchick or Hawk Nelson or BarlowGirl playing LOUDLY over the stereo?! Maybe I'll even put in some Brad Paisley or Rascall Flatts! hahahaha I will convert this family to country music someday!

Ok, I need to get going for now. Need to take my shower and start my day. I've spent the last couple hours since I woke up reading. I had to finish my book so I can move onto the next one! (Just finished book 3 in a 5 book series.) I plan on starting the next book today...sometime... :-)

Going now!

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