
Yeah, yeah, it's been a while...

Ok, due to a few demands (Jen and Jordan) I'm posting once again!

I know, it's been a couple weeks since I posted last, but I've been kinda busy...

Work has been work. Getting kinda tough now that it's getting colder. I really dont do cold well. (Tennessee, here I come, just a few degrees warmer and I'll be happy) Last week I worked over time. My boss was on vacation, so I had to feed the puppies in the evening too. On top of that, I've been sick. Icky. Still sick. My head is so full of... well, you dont want to know about that.

As for the good (HA) news... we're down to just Aaron's truck and Mom's van. My car is broked! My car is not happy right now. It had a run in with a pile if gravel and dirt. Yeah. My radiator got pushed back into the engine, my hood was jammed shut from the inside, fans and belts and headlights.... if you just look at the outside, it doesnt look too bad. But if you look closely, it looks painful. My poor car!!! Very sad... (and NOT my fault, just so you know)

I made a ducktape purse for someone last week! One of the girls from my class saw mine and loved it. She bought me the duck tape for it, plus extra, and I made it over the weekend. Yay for me! My first order! :-)

And some more good news! I get to see Jordan this weekend! Yay! He's flying up to pick up his car. heehee Happy me, I get to see my hunny!

Ok, that's all now. I've updated, I've posted, my fans should be happy now. *wink*

Love and hugs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its jennifer... and YAYYYYY
yes, i demanded... and yayyyy for jordan coming!!
and ick bout your car...