
24 Weeks

Well folks, this week marks the 24th week of pregnancy. It's downhill from here... though I will feel like I'm going uphill. But that's normal, right?

Aaron just told me I sound hyper... I have no idea what he's talking about. I am NOT hyper. nopenopenopenopenope.



So I just recorded my next video for Aaron, the long-lost brother of mine in Virginia. I think it will make him giggle, and anyone else who happens to watch it. Its getting ready for editing right now. Its RENDERING. Which in laymen's terms means MAKING ME WAIT. So I wait. And eat gummy bears. And blog.

Ok, maybe I am a little hyper.

So, good news. In a couple of weeks we will be getting another ultrasound done! (Did I mention that before?) If not, here you go! I can't wait to see this little octopus of mine again!

Speaking of which, there are those who do not believe us when we say we DO NOT KNOW what gender baby is. These folks seem to think that by saying Baby is an octopus, that we are really admitting that Baby is a boy. This is not true. We don't know! And we are not planning to find out either. We want Baby to be a surprise, to us and everyone else, on the day s/he pops out.

No, we won't be changing our minds either, but thanks for asking!

Oh! *kick* Baby likes gummy bears! *kick* * somersault* HI BABY!!!

Ok, this post is getting silly... I think I'll go for now. I think my video is done making me wait. Time to edit!!!

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