
Week Two

Well folks, my second week on the new job is just about over. I must say, this week has gone much more smoothly than last week. Both weeks have gone incredibly fast. At this rate, I'll be delivering this baby before I know it!!

I am tired. My problem is that I am a night owl. On top of that, Jordan has been pulling late nights at work, and I've been staying up for him to get home. Then comes morning. The office hours at work start at 8am, which means I need to at least be conscious by 8 in the case of a phone call.

I am not a morning person. But shhh, don't tell work that. I don't think they know. Let's keep it that way.

A fun thing lately has been sending videos back and forth with my brother, who also has a new job. He is in Virginia, in case you didn't know. I'm used to seeing him, at some point, every day. Now I cannot. So the videos help with the distance. Plus, I hear other people have been watching them too, like friends and other family members, and find them just hilarious.

Yes, other people. I keep you in mind when I shoot my video.

If anyone, besides Aaron, wants to see anything in the video, or wants to ask any questions for me to answer in the video, let me know! I am open to content suggestions, since I sometimes run a little dry in that area. It's weird talking about myself. Very weird. So leave a comment somewhere.

I just got done with a conference call for work. Our web developer is in California, so in order for us all to talk at a semi-decent hour, our conference calls take place in the evenings. This would be fine, if I didn't feel like blowing off every responsibility and going to bed early. But I managed to stay alert for the duration of the phone call, and even actively and intelligently participate.

Another fun thing lately is this: Jordan and I like seeing what we can do to make Baby kick. (For the sake of simplicity, we are referring to Baby as a he. This does not mean we know what Baby's gender is, so don't go all blue on us, ok?) Anyways... This past weekend Jordan sang some Jesus songs to Baby, which resulted in a manic kicking and somersaulting episode, and copious amounts of giggling from Baby's very mature parents. Jordan's favorite way to get Baby kicking is to jiggle my stomach. I dislike this form of Baby stimulation. What woman really WANTS someone to jiggle her stomach??? None that I know of...

In other super fantastic news, we recently found out that our best friends in the whole, wide, God-created earth are HAVING A BABY!!!!! Don't tell them, but I've seen this coming for a while. Shhh. We are super happy for them. Now we just need to figure out how to get them back to Tennessee in the next 9 months so our children can grow up together and be best buds. I am scheming as we speak. (Any local churches need a Pastor?)

We finally have internet set up at home! This is a major milestone for us... it has been 2 years since I have had access to the great Interwebs from my couch. Granted, we only have 5 gigs that has to last us a month, but it allows me to email for work, access the website I'm working on for work, and FACEBOOK! Also, I'll be able to blog more often. Which is of course, the most important thing.

Oh, and Skype. Sometimes.

You will have to forgive the quirky nature of this post... I had a nap this afternoon, but I still feel completely worn out. I have corrected SO many typos in this blog so far, just from my fingers hitting random keys instead of the correct ones. Fingers get tired too.

Ok, I think I have babbled enough for now. I'll be putting together my video tomorrow, in response to Aaron's latest. Hopefully I will get it posted tomorrow as well, but we shall see. I also need to clean my house and cook for the company coming over for dinner tomorrow night.

Sigh, so many responsibilities as a wife and mommy...


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