
An Almost Perfect Husband

I know I shared some things about my husband recently that could make him out to be a saint. He's not. He's only huMAN.

Since I've been pregnant (For 5 years or so... ok, 5 months....) Jordan has been great. He sings and talks to the baby regularly, he has made trips to Walmart to curb my crazy cravings, he hasn't complained (much) about getting woken up in the night when I have to get up to use the bathroom. He has helped cook and clean, has given me back rubs when my muscles get tight, and has hugged me when I cry like a baby at movies that shouldn't make me cry (ah, hormones!).

For the most part, Jordan has been a pregnant woman's DREAM.

But just recently, he has started to show his huMANity.

Set the stage: Last week, we were watching a movie on the couch, and I needed to use the bathroom (again). My attempt to get up off the couch was less than graceful, and I commented on the fact. Jordan's reply was "Good thing you don't think you're graceful right now, cause you'd be lying to yourself." Zing.

I know he meant to be cute and funny, and the fact is he was right. But here's the thing I'm trying to teach him. Just because it is true, does NOT make it the right thing to say at that moment. Instead, he should have said something like, "It's ok, honey. You will always be graceful to me." Or something like that. Even if it's corny, its still a POSITIVE statement!

Set the stage again: This week, we were visiting with some friends for dinner, and the husband of the couple commented that I looked like I've gained weight. Fine for him to say, I know him well enough to understand what he meant and get the joke. (No, CB, you are not in trouble with me!) Jordan commented back saying, "Yeah, she has been eating a lot lately." Zing.

I don't care how true his statement was, HE should not have said it. We discussed this later, and I told him that was a negative statement coming from him, who should be my BIGGEST supporter right now. Instead, he could have said "I think she looks radiant!" Or something POSITIVE like that.

We will not get into our discussion about the differences between a POSITIVE statement and an AFFIRMATIVE statement... sigh...

The moral of this story is, my husband is huMAN. (Did you catch my emphasis on MAN?) He is trying his best to be supportive and understanding and sweet. For the most part, he is, more than I could ask for! But there are those times when his huMANity shows through, and gets him into trouble... We are still working on this.

I have been able to laugh about all of this. I'm trying hard not to take myself or anything that goes with this pregnancy too seriously. I know Jordan is trying, and I appreciate everything he does to make me happy and show he loves me. I couldn't ask for a better husband.

I love you to bits, Honey. I don't take too much offense at your comments... just a little. :-) Call this a practice round for Baby #2 in a few years!

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