
Good Eeeeeevening!

Hello friends, I'm back again!

Well, the second part of my GED test is done. Only one night to go! Tonights tests were social studies and science. I feel pretty confident about them. Most of the questions were just common sence, I really love multiple choice tests!! heehee Tomorrow night is the math test. Eek! I just need at least a 410 on it. That's it! Maybe I'll actually study for it tomorrow... hmm... nah, I probably wont. lol

We've been having fun lately introducing Sammy to classic Disney movies. We watched Cinderella twice yesterday, Beauty and the Beast this morning, and now we are watching Peter Pan. She's seen them all before, I think, but didnt really pay much attention. This time around, she's captivated! Can't take her eyes off the screen! :-)

Well, time to go. I've got a date with a webcam. ;-)


Hello my friends! Sorry it's been so long since my last post. Time ran away from me again! I really gotta get a leash!

Anyways, this past weekend I spent up at my Gram's. We had a nice time, just relaxing. Spent some quality time on the beach too, it was a beautiful day to go. Misty and gray, but warm. I loved it! I took a bunch of pictures.

Yesterday I took the first part of my GED test. I go back for the next part tonight, and the last part tomorrow night. Pray for me!! I really want to pass this!!

Gotta run for now, sorry this is so short. I'll write again soon... hopefully... :-)
Love yaz!


Student Driver?

Hello my friends! Ashley's thoughts and ponderings are back again!

I was driving today, and had my Stellar Kart cd playing in the car, (highly recommend) and the song "Student Driver" came on. I'm going to give you some of the lyrics, and then I'll tell you the thoughts I had as I was listening to it.

"Two hands on the wheel of my fate
Sweat running down my forehead
Cars passing me like we're in a race
I don't know what dangers lie ahead

'Cause I'm just a student driver
And I need Your help to guide me
'Cause on my own I'm nothing

Looks like the road ahead
Might be rough to take
Oh, no, I've spun out of control
Good thing my passenger has a brake
And he knows exactly where to go"

Not bad, huh? The song's got a little of a punky sound, really fun.

Anyways, my thoughts.

As I was listening to the song, I was remembering my own experience as a student driver. First of all, I remember my driver's ed teacher not only had a brake on his side of the car, he also had a mirror so he could see my eyes.

One time when I was driving, something off to the left caught my eye. As I was looking, the car drifted to the left, almost crossing the line.

Another problem I had was, I was trying too hard to stay between the lines. I kept my eyes on the road directly in front of the car, making sure I was evenly between the lines on the road. I couldnt see what was coming at me very well, and I still wasn't centered in my lane.

And when I kept looking at the speedometer, to make sure I wasn't going too fast or too slow, I'd be taking my eyes off the road too often.

My driver's ed teacher LOVED me! hahahaha

Eventually I got the hang of keeping my eyes on everything at once, staying in my lane, keeping a steady speed (70 is good, right?), and looking ahead of me, not just right infront of me.

When you think of all that in the context of the song I showed you, it's got a pretty good parallel, huh?

I kinda like the idea of Christ as my driver's ed teacher. Imagine the patience He'd have!

How many times do we get distracted by something on the side of the road and take our eyes off our goal? How many times do we get so caught up in watching our speed that we dont pay attention to much else? And how many times to we watch just what is right infront of us, and forget to look ahead?

Yet each time we make a mistake like that, our Passenger still keeps an eye on where we are going. He knows what's coming, and gently gets our attention back where it should be. He'll use that extra brake sometimes too, if we dont get the hint the first time.

Isnt that a cool idea?!


Hump Day

Hey Folks! It's Wendesday. (in case you didnt know.) And the week is now half over.

I'm sitting here, infront of my computer, with my second cup of coffee. I'm getting kinda antsy though... I really want to go do something. And I think I will soon. I need to make a run downtown. The mall is calling me!

After being on the run all summer, being home where things run a little slower is kinda hard. I need to find myself a job. I really want to apply at this one greenhouse/nursery in town. I've wanted to work there for a couple years, but just never got around to checking it out. Maybe I'll stop in there on my way downtown... Or maybe I'll wait until next week...

Oh, but next week I go for my GED exams! Say a prayer for me Tue., Wed., and Thur. nights, starting at 6pm. Those are the days I take the test. At the moment, I'm not really nervous, but I know the closer it gets, the more nervous I'll get!

Monday morning I sent my application to Southern. Online applications are a breeze! I dont know why I didnt try it sooner! lol My goal is to get down there by January. It's the only school I've applied to, and at the time of my application, I had no diploma or GED, no SATs or ACTs, and no backup plan. This is gonna be a God thing. I'm leaving school completely in His hands. I'm doing my part, getting the GED done and applying, but acceptance is up to Him. If you get a moment, say a prayer for me!

Once I get done with the GED stuff next week, I'll be working on unpacking from camp (yes, I still haven't unpacked!) and moving back into my closet of a bedroom. Then I get to begin cleaning out my junk. I have way too much junk in that little room. The last time I organized and rearranged my room I took out 2 full boxes of stuff, and I haven't missed any of it. They've just been sitting upstairs. They are back in my room now because there wasn't any other place for them. I need to go through those boxes and get rid of stuff I know I will never use again. Then I need to put away stuff I'll want for my future house someday, and stuff I'll want at school.

Ahhh, I come home from camp, and all of a sudden I feel like an adult. At times I like it, and other times it scares me. I've got a lot more to worry about, to figure out, to DO! And money is suddenly an important factor. I actually have money from working at camp still. I haven't spent it all yet! (yay for me!) That really is an accomplishment for me. Usually my paycheck is spent before I get it. Time to break old habits and start new ones!!

And then there's my sweetheart... He's on the road right now, headed to Southern. I miss him so much! He's on my mind and in my prayers a LOT lately. Please keep him in your prayers too! :-)

Well, I think I'm gonna head out now. I need to get moving. Got stuff to do!


In shock......

Ok, wanna hear a sweet story?

My boyfriend is leaving for college on Tuesday. I haven't seen him since we both left camp a week ago. I didnt know if I was going to be able to see him again before he left. He's been working on putting a new engine in his truck all week, and if he wasn't far enough along by yesterday, he wasn't going to be able to come. Well, he called me last night, and he didn't get enough done, so he wasn't able to come. I was heartbroken! I missed him SO much! We talked on the phone for almost 3 hours, and while we were talking, he was talking to my parents online. They were giving him directions to my house, and to my church. They also gave him my Dad's cell number. They wanted to see him as much as I did! (well, almost as much)

So, this morning, I chose to stay home from church and sleep in. My parents let me, as long as I promised to show up at church for potluck. So, I slept until 10, then got up and ready to go. Little did I know, Jordan had called my Dad's cell just as Dad was getting to church.

When Jordan woke up this morning, he decided on the spot to come see me. So he called Dad to ask if it was ok. Of course it was! But no one told me he was coming! So there I was, eating lunch, talking with people I hadn't seen all summer, minding my own business... I happened to look up at the door just as Jordan walked in. I was so shocked to see him there... I couldnt even speak!

I'm still surprised. :-)

He drove 3 and a half hours this morning, just to see me, and only be able to stay for 4 hours, then drive back home again. So sweet!!!

We spent the afternoon posing, and not posing, for my Mom's camera. The picture above is one of the pictures taken. He and I both dressed up, just for fun, he in his suit from Thailand, and me in my banquet dress that I haven't worn for a year and a half. What we didnt plan was that his dress shirt was almost the same color blue as my dress. :-) We had a good time.

I'm gonna end this now... I'm still smiling from this afternoon. :-) I think I will be for a while.

I think tonight is a good night to watch a chick flick and eat the rest of my Starbucks Java Chip icecream. Good night!!


Home at last!

Hello! I'm finally home from camp. I got home around 5-ish on Sunday, and just now have the energy to post.

Camp was a wonderful experience this summer. I have a ton of pictures that I need to sort through and put into an album for you guys. I'll work on that soon. The pictures are visible evidence of all the memories I made over the summer, but they dont do any justice at all.

So many awesome people at camp, I'll try to name them!

Kellen, Scottie, Aryn, Erik, Lisa, James, Darren, Malorie, Hannah, Alycia, Yannick, Sara, Julienne, Juli, Shelley, Steven, Carmen, Laurel, Troy, Dunk, Nor, Klung, Erin, Jesse Ma., Jesse Mc., Josh, Raf, Abdiel, Keri Red, Keri Ray, Sheila, Stephanie, Derek, Robert, Ashleigh, Bec, Ron, Jenny.....Just to name a few...

And then there are 5 people I must mention, and thank them for making this the best summer of my life.

Kasandra, my sister! Of all the people at camp, I had no idea you and I would get so close. I'm so glad we did!! Miss you, pray I'll see you soon at southern, and give your beau a hug for me. I dont know him, but if he's dating you, he must be a keeper. ;-)

Adrianne, roomie. What a summer. I dont know how you put up with the crap load that you got. But you did! I couldnt have picked a better roommate for the summer. I miss you!! We need to get together again before you leave.

And now for my guys. :-)

Micah, you rock. The photo room just wasn't the same after you left. Or maybe it was just the compu crashing... ;-) Either way, you were missed greatly. Don't know if I'll see you next summer, but I sure hope so. Camp won't be the same without its resident ferrit. Plus, we need you to make us our no-bake cookies!!! Love you, man!

Vinny. What can I say? I remember the day I met you, we were handing mics to the crazy people in the play. Ahh, the memories! Starbucks, KRs, days off... heehee. You'd better stay in touch, man. RI isnt that far away. Consider this a hug from me to you!

Last, but certainly not least...
Jordan. I honestly don't know what to say. You and Vinny kept me sane all summer. When I needed a laugh, you were there. When I needed a shoulder to cry on, you were there. And when I just needed to sit and be quiet, you were there. How can I thank you for that? You are wonderful, fantastic, adorable, and completely awesome. I miss you. I love you.

I guess thats all I have to write right now. This was certainly a summer I will not soon forget.
