
Home at last!

Hello! I'm finally home from camp. I got home around 5-ish on Sunday, and just now have the energy to post.

Camp was a wonderful experience this summer. I have a ton of pictures that I need to sort through and put into an album for you guys. I'll work on that soon. The pictures are visible evidence of all the memories I made over the summer, but they dont do any justice at all.

So many awesome people at camp, I'll try to name them!

Kellen, Scottie, Aryn, Erik, Lisa, James, Darren, Malorie, Hannah, Alycia, Yannick, Sara, Julienne, Juli, Shelley, Steven, Carmen, Laurel, Troy, Dunk, Nor, Klung, Erin, Jesse Ma., Jesse Mc., Josh, Raf, Abdiel, Keri Red, Keri Ray, Sheila, Stephanie, Derek, Robert, Ashleigh, Bec, Ron, Jenny.....Just to name a few...

And then there are 5 people I must mention, and thank them for making this the best summer of my life.

Kasandra, my sister! Of all the people at camp, I had no idea you and I would get so close. I'm so glad we did!! Miss you, pray I'll see you soon at southern, and give your beau a hug for me. I dont know him, but if he's dating you, he must be a keeper. ;-)

Adrianne, roomie. What a summer. I dont know how you put up with the crap load that you got. But you did! I couldnt have picked a better roommate for the summer. I miss you!! We need to get together again before you leave.

And now for my guys. :-)

Micah, you rock. The photo room just wasn't the same after you left. Or maybe it was just the compu crashing... ;-) Either way, you were missed greatly. Don't know if I'll see you next summer, but I sure hope so. Camp won't be the same without its resident ferrit. Plus, we need you to make us our no-bake cookies!!! Love you, man!

Vinny. What can I say? I remember the day I met you, we were handing mics to the crazy people in the play. Ahh, the memories! Starbucks, KRs, days off... heehee. You'd better stay in touch, man. RI isnt that far away. Consider this a hug from me to you!

Last, but certainly not least...
Jordan. I honestly don't know what to say. You and Vinny kept me sane all summer. When I needed a laugh, you were there. When I needed a shoulder to cry on, you were there. And when I just needed to sit and be quiet, you were there. How can I thank you for that? You are wonderful, fantastic, adorable, and completely awesome. I miss you. I love you.

I guess thats all I have to write right now. This was certainly a summer I will not soon forget.


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