
Hump Day

Hey Folks! It's Wendesday. (in case you didnt know.) And the week is now half over.

I'm sitting here, infront of my computer, with my second cup of coffee. I'm getting kinda antsy though... I really want to go do something. And I think I will soon. I need to make a run downtown. The mall is calling me!

After being on the run all summer, being home where things run a little slower is kinda hard. I need to find myself a job. I really want to apply at this one greenhouse/nursery in town. I've wanted to work there for a couple years, but just never got around to checking it out. Maybe I'll stop in there on my way downtown... Or maybe I'll wait until next week...

Oh, but next week I go for my GED exams! Say a prayer for me Tue., Wed., and Thur. nights, starting at 6pm. Those are the days I take the test. At the moment, I'm not really nervous, but I know the closer it gets, the more nervous I'll get!

Monday morning I sent my application to Southern. Online applications are a breeze! I dont know why I didnt try it sooner! lol My goal is to get down there by January. It's the only school I've applied to, and at the time of my application, I had no diploma or GED, no SATs or ACTs, and no backup plan. This is gonna be a God thing. I'm leaving school completely in His hands. I'm doing my part, getting the GED done and applying, but acceptance is up to Him. If you get a moment, say a prayer for me!

Once I get done with the GED stuff next week, I'll be working on unpacking from camp (yes, I still haven't unpacked!) and moving back into my closet of a bedroom. Then I get to begin cleaning out my junk. I have way too much junk in that little room. The last time I organized and rearranged my room I took out 2 full boxes of stuff, and I haven't missed any of it. They've just been sitting upstairs. They are back in my room now because there wasn't any other place for them. I need to go through those boxes and get rid of stuff I know I will never use again. Then I need to put away stuff I'll want for my future house someday, and stuff I'll want at school.

Ahhh, I come home from camp, and all of a sudden I feel like an adult. At times I like it, and other times it scares me. I've got a lot more to worry about, to figure out, to DO! And money is suddenly an important factor. I actually have money from working at camp still. I haven't spent it all yet! (yay for me!) That really is an accomplishment for me. Usually my paycheck is spent before I get it. Time to break old habits and start new ones!!

And then there's my sweetheart... He's on the road right now, headed to Southern. I miss him so much! He's on my mind and in my prayers a LOT lately. Please keep him in your prayers too! :-)

Well, I think I'm gonna head out now. I need to get moving. Got stuff to do!

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