
Student Driver?

Hello my friends! Ashley's thoughts and ponderings are back again!

I was driving today, and had my Stellar Kart cd playing in the car, (highly recommend) and the song "Student Driver" came on. I'm going to give you some of the lyrics, and then I'll tell you the thoughts I had as I was listening to it.

"Two hands on the wheel of my fate
Sweat running down my forehead
Cars passing me like we're in a race
I don't know what dangers lie ahead

'Cause I'm just a student driver
And I need Your help to guide me
'Cause on my own I'm nothing

Looks like the road ahead
Might be rough to take
Oh, no, I've spun out of control
Good thing my passenger has a brake
And he knows exactly where to go"

Not bad, huh? The song's got a little of a punky sound, really fun.

Anyways, my thoughts.

As I was listening to the song, I was remembering my own experience as a student driver. First of all, I remember my driver's ed teacher not only had a brake on his side of the car, he also had a mirror so he could see my eyes.

One time when I was driving, something off to the left caught my eye. As I was looking, the car drifted to the left, almost crossing the line.

Another problem I had was, I was trying too hard to stay between the lines. I kept my eyes on the road directly in front of the car, making sure I was evenly between the lines on the road. I couldnt see what was coming at me very well, and I still wasn't centered in my lane.

And when I kept looking at the speedometer, to make sure I wasn't going too fast or too slow, I'd be taking my eyes off the road too often.

My driver's ed teacher LOVED me! hahahaha

Eventually I got the hang of keeping my eyes on everything at once, staying in my lane, keeping a steady speed (70 is good, right?), and looking ahead of me, not just right infront of me.

When you think of all that in the context of the song I showed you, it's got a pretty good parallel, huh?

I kinda like the idea of Christ as my driver's ed teacher. Imagine the patience He'd have!

How many times do we get distracted by something on the side of the road and take our eyes off our goal? How many times do we get so caught up in watching our speed that we dont pay attention to much else? And how many times to we watch just what is right infront of us, and forget to look ahead?

Yet each time we make a mistake like that, our Passenger still keeps an eye on where we are going. He knows what's coming, and gently gets our attention back where it should be. He'll use that extra brake sometimes too, if we dont get the hint the first time.

Isnt that a cool idea?!

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