
socks and flip-flops

So hot! Oh yeah!

Anyways, so how am I? I am peachy! I am missing my sweetie like crazy, but I'm surviving.

Work is going well. I think I've finally got all the dogs matched with the right name. That was tough. Next I have to remember who gets fed how much and in which doghouse! Thats a little harder. But I totally love the dogs. They are all awesome! The funniest thing is when I'm cleaning the puppy pen... Brooks, the babysitter, usually just sits on the doghouse and watches me, waiting til I get close enough to give me kisses. But Spirit, the baby, is all energy. I've never seen a kid with that much energy!! She's psycho! But adorable. Most of the time I'm cleaning the pen, she's at my heels, chewing on my boots, or she's stuffing her muzzle down into my boots, or trying to pull my jeans out of my boots! When I move, she moves with me. It's so crazy!!

Class is going well too. I'm getting to know some of the people there. It's fun to get there early just to talk to people. We've been having issues with the vending machines though. First, only one of the two soda machines accepts dollar bills. The snack machine doesnt accept them either, and is running very low. The stuff that's still in there is... old. The soda machine is completely our of Dr. Pepper, which makes me sad. Whenever I want it, they are out. Hopefully they will fill up the machines today or tomorrow so I can have my Dr. Pepper on Thursday!

Friday is the day. I'll lose my wisdom....teeth. Yeppers, all four wisdom teeth are impacted. I can feel one of them poking through my gums too! Lucky me! I'll be going completely under for this, which has me kinda nervous. Mom's the only one going with me, so I'm not worried too much about being loopy on the way home. Needless to say, I won't be going anywhere this weekend. I'll be home with my vicaden and icepacks and sherbert. (so anyone going to the Deerfield fair, I wont be there, as much as I wish I could be!)

I suppose that's all for now. I'l gonna try to update more often!! Sorry I've been so behind.... I'll work on that.

I'm going to leave with these lyrics for my honey. I love you, babe!
"It's the sweet love that you give to me
That makes me believe we can make it through anything
'Cause when it all comes down
And I'm feeling like I'll never last
I just lean on you 'cause baby
You're my better half."



I have some good news, and some more good news!

For the good news, I got the scores for my GED!!! I passed by LOTS! :-D I needed a 450 average to squeak past. I got a 618. Yay!!! Highschool is now in my past! yippie!!!

The second bit of good news is........ drum roll please....

I GOT A JOB! Yay!!!! lol It's only part time, about 9 hours a week tops, but it'll be fun. It's at a Siberian Husky sled dog kennel about 5 minutes down the road. So cool!! I'm an official pooper scooper!! lol The dogs are totally gorgeous though. I think it'll be a fun job. I start on Wednesday. 31 dogs to feed, clean up after, and give meds to as neccessary.

The classes are going well, my second week with those is just starting. So far, I'm enjoying them. There are people from all walks of life there. Fun stuff!

Just so people know, there are new pics up on my website. A few other little things have been updated too. you can check out the site HERE!

Well, I guess that's it for an update right now. Will post again soon, I promise. :-)


Totally and Completely!!!

Yes, its true, I'm totally and completely in love! and I want the world to know it! :-D

I Love Jordan!!!!

There! That's all for now! :-)


It smells like....


Ok, I just got up. Need to work on that. Got water heating for some instant coffeeeeeeee... speaking of which, it's whistling now! be right back...

*elevator music*

I'm baaaaack!! With lovely coffeeeeeeee!

Alright, I suppose I need to go through the shower... people might appreciate that. Yah... going now...


Starbucks, Cashews, and a Psychotic Canary

It's Wednesday. Hump Day. Middle of the week.

And it's 3:18pm.

Sunny with a high of 75.

The Big Dig is still going on, only the excavation site has moved from my room to the front porch. All the stuff I put in boxes to just get OUT ended up on the porch, and now has to be sorted. This morning my room looked clean! Now, not so much...

Class started last night. It's a college transition class. We'll be going over study skills, english, math, and some other useful college info. Goes til the middle of December, just like a college semester. So far, so good, though I already have homework! Nothing too hard though. So, for the next 15 weeks, I'll be gone Tue. and Thur. evenings, from about 5:30 to 9:30 as the class is from 6 to 9.

Anyone want a bird? I have a psychotic canary that needs a good home. I have limited space in my room as it is, and the bird is taking up valuable space. I wont tell you how it likes to stick it's head thru the bars of it's cage... or repeatedly jumps from dish to swing to branch to dish to swing to branch.... making sure the swing hits the side of the cage every time with a BANG. Nice bird!

So, I got a new cd yesterday. Matthew West's "History". Very good, I highly recommend it! There are so many good songs on this cd, but with current events, both here and around the world, I want to share one particular song with you.

"When a nation cries
When a loved one dies
When we wonder why
I still know you're there
When nights are long
In a world gone wrong
There's still a feeling so strong
That tells me you're there
You're so undeniable
You're so unconfinable
And you're love is so reliable
And it tells me you're there

So if the whole wide world says
You're not there
Well, I still know you're there
And even if they call me crazy
I don't care
I still know you're there
And if they say there's no such thing
as heaven or a God who waits for me
I just point to the air
And I know you're there"

Thats just one verse and the chorus. Pretty cool, huh? It's something we have to keep in mind, with all the distruction resulting from hurricane Katrina, it can be easy for some to doubt God's presence. But this song reminds us that even though we are living in a dying world, God IS still there!! And He's got a reason for all of this. Whether it's just to bring out the "Good Samaritan" in all of us, or to let us know His coming is REALLY close, there's a reason.

I personally home He comes soon... I dont know how much more of all this I can handle. I'm ready to go home.

Another song from the same cd, really beautiful:

"There is a longing deep inside my soul
There is a place my spirit wants to go
It's far away from all these chains that bind
There is a world I long to leave behind

So I wait and I wait
I wait for the moment when You come for me
And rescue my heart from the pain that it's seen
Troubles are circling all around me
And I can't stop thinking

Just a few more days I'll be going home
Just a few more hours and I'll be flying
It could be any minute now
That You take me away
Or maybe just a few more days
A few more days

To you a day is like a thousand years
And only you know when the clouds will clear.
So, let me not forget and fall away
Because a thousand years could be today"

Interesting thought, huh? I thought so.

I checked out the Ace place where my brother works. They can't hire relatives of employees. Oh well. I picked up an application on the way home for a garden center/nursery on the way home. They said they didnt have any openings, but I could apply and they'd go from there. So who knows. I need to find a job.

I don't know how to go about it though, finding a job. I mean, if I am able to go to school in January, I'll have to quit whatever job I find here. But there's a chance that I wont make it to Southern in Jan. So what do I plan for now? Do I find a job and let them know I MIGHT not stay? Or should I just plan on staying? I dont know!! Ahhhhh!!!

Well, my Starbucks is gone now. The last of my stash. I think I need to go shopping again.

Time to get back to digging!
love and hugs!


Lunch Break!

Yes, I know it's almost 4pm, but I'm just now getting lunch. Why? I'll tell you.

Today, Labor Day, 2005, is monumental. Should be declared a national holiday! (wait a sec...) Why? I'll tell you.

What makes today so special? Why am I making such a big deal about it? Why am I only now eating lunch? Why do I have the equivalent of about 4 cups of coffee running through my system? Why do I stink? Why am I covered in dust and cobwebs? Why am I armed with a vaccum? Why am I asking you so many questions that you obviously don't know the answer to? I dont know.

But! Drum roll please.....

Today is the day I found my floor!!! Did you know I had a blue carpet? Neither did I!!!

Not only did I uncover my floor, but I also dragged out a bunch of junk, made a pile in the dining room and out on the front porch. And when that was done, I rearranged my furniture!!! My room looks so good now! I dont want to move all that stuff back in, it's so open and CLEAN!!! But I need to go through all my stuff anyways, and get rid of things I dont need, will never use, or that just collect dust.

When I look at the pile of stuff that's out here, I wonder how on earth all that came out of my room... my room is SMALL! I have no idea how it all fit in there! It's gonna be a looooong work in progress to get everything sorted out and back in there...or gone completely.

I want to paint too....the walls in there are... well... icky. It was my sisters' room before mine, and they kinda attacked the walls... crayon, pen, tape... time to clean up the place. If I can't get a bigger room, I might as well make mine tolerable. I need to find some funky colors to paint it. I think I'll check out the "Oops" paint shelf at my brother's work, see if there's anything I can use.

Well, lunch break should be over. I need to get back to work.


M&Ms, Twizzlers, and Sweethearts

Alright, I was reminded that I promised a post about my life, so here it is!

Well, the GED is done and over with, just waiting to hear back with my scores. Tuesday evening I go back to the place where I took the test. They are offering a college transition class that I'm gonna try to get into. It starts on Tuesday, and technically I have to have passed my GED. But by the time the class starts, we wont have the scores back yet. But! The lady I talked to said that I could come down and go through the process of starting the class. When they get my scores, if I dont pass, I'll have to quit the class. But if I do pass, I'll have not missed anything. Yay!! This class goes for 15 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. I'm starting to look forward to it!

My next venture is finding a job. I think I'm going to apply to the same place my brother is working. Ace hardware! Aaron likes it a lot, has nothing but good to say about the people there, and they seem to be flexable with their work hours, which will be good. I just need something to pay for my gas, clothes, and to start saving.

I opened my first checking account recently!! Yay! I feel so grown up now! I've had my savings acct for years, but now I have the power of... dun dun dun... CHECKS! muahahaha

16 weeks. 16 long weeks until I get to see my sweetie again. It seems soooooooo long! But he's been wonderful to me. I couldn't ask for a sweeter, more considerate guy. No matter how sad I may be, or how much I'm missing him, he always knows just what to say to make me feel better. He can always make me smile, even when I don't think I can. He knows me better than just about anyone. He's a mind reader! :-)

I just want anyone who reads this to know one thing.


So, those are the biggest, most exciting points of my life right now. As things progress, I'll keep y'all posted.

Much love and hugs!

The Beatitudes....a little different.

Hello friends!

I found something Sabbath that really caught my eye, and I wanted to share it with you all!!

In class, we were reading a story in the Insight about the Beatitudes. The story was written to make them real, current, easy to understand. Very well done. My curiosity was peaked, so I looked them up in my Message Bible. Ooooohhhhh, they were gooooood!! That's what I want to share with you now! Enjoy!

Matthew 5:1-12
When Jesus saw his ministry drawing huge crowds, he climbed a hillside. Those who were apprenticed to him, the committed, climbed with him. Arriving at a quiet place, he sat down and taught his climbing companions. This is what he said:

"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.
"You are blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One who is most dear to you.
"You're blessed when you're content with just who you are -- no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought.
"You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God. He's the food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat.
"You;re blessed when you care. At the moment of being 'care-full,' you find yourselves cared for.
"You're blessed when you get your inside world -- your mind and heart -- put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.
"You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are, and your place in God's family.
"You're blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God's kingdom.
"Not only that -- count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What is means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens -- give a cheer, even! -- for though they don't like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble."

Whew! There's a lot more to it then you thought!!

I just wanted to share those with all of you. Hope you got something out of them! :-)
Must run now, got some more yard work to do before I can really sit down and relax. But when all my work is done, I'll post an update on life for you all.

Until then, much love and hugs!!