
M&Ms, Twizzlers, and Sweethearts

Alright, I was reminded that I promised a post about my life, so here it is!

Well, the GED is done and over with, just waiting to hear back with my scores. Tuesday evening I go back to the place where I took the test. They are offering a college transition class that I'm gonna try to get into. It starts on Tuesday, and technically I have to have passed my GED. But by the time the class starts, we wont have the scores back yet. But! The lady I talked to said that I could come down and go through the process of starting the class. When they get my scores, if I dont pass, I'll have to quit the class. But if I do pass, I'll have not missed anything. Yay!! This class goes for 15 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. I'm starting to look forward to it!

My next venture is finding a job. I think I'm going to apply to the same place my brother is working. Ace hardware! Aaron likes it a lot, has nothing but good to say about the people there, and they seem to be flexable with their work hours, which will be good. I just need something to pay for my gas, clothes, and to start saving.

I opened my first checking account recently!! Yay! I feel so grown up now! I've had my savings acct for years, but now I have the power of... dun dun dun... CHECKS! muahahaha

16 weeks. 16 long weeks until I get to see my sweetie again. It seems soooooooo long! But he's been wonderful to me. I couldn't ask for a sweeter, more considerate guy. No matter how sad I may be, or how much I'm missing him, he always knows just what to say to make me feel better. He can always make me smile, even when I don't think I can. He knows me better than just about anyone. He's a mind reader! :-)

I just want anyone who reads this to know one thing.


So, those are the biggest, most exciting points of my life right now. As things progress, I'll keep y'all posted.

Much love and hugs!

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