
I have some good news, and some more good news!

For the good news, I got the scores for my GED!!! I passed by LOTS! :-D I needed a 450 average to squeak past. I got a 618. Yay!!! Highschool is now in my past! yippie!!!

The second bit of good news is........ drum roll please....

I GOT A JOB! Yay!!!! lol It's only part time, about 9 hours a week tops, but it'll be fun. It's at a Siberian Husky sled dog kennel about 5 minutes down the road. So cool!! I'm an official pooper scooper!! lol The dogs are totally gorgeous though. I think it'll be a fun job. I start on Wednesday. 31 dogs to feed, clean up after, and give meds to as neccessary.

The classes are going well, my second week with those is just starting. So far, I'm enjoying them. There are people from all walks of life there. Fun stuff!

Just so people know, there are new pics up on my website. A few other little things have been updated too. you can check out the site HERE!

Well, I guess that's it for an update right now. Will post again soon, I promise. :-)

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