
Lunch Break!

Yes, I know it's almost 4pm, but I'm just now getting lunch. Why? I'll tell you.

Today, Labor Day, 2005, is monumental. Should be declared a national holiday! (wait a sec...) Why? I'll tell you.

What makes today so special? Why am I making such a big deal about it? Why am I only now eating lunch? Why do I have the equivalent of about 4 cups of coffee running through my system? Why do I stink? Why am I covered in dust and cobwebs? Why am I armed with a vaccum? Why am I asking you so many questions that you obviously don't know the answer to? I dont know.

But! Drum roll please.....

Today is the day I found my floor!!! Did you know I had a blue carpet? Neither did I!!!

Not only did I uncover my floor, but I also dragged out a bunch of junk, made a pile in the dining room and out on the front porch. And when that was done, I rearranged my furniture!!! My room looks so good now! I dont want to move all that stuff back in, it's so open and CLEAN!!! But I need to go through all my stuff anyways, and get rid of things I dont need, will never use, or that just collect dust.

When I look at the pile of stuff that's out here, I wonder how on earth all that came out of my room... my room is SMALL! I have no idea how it all fit in there! It's gonna be a looooong work in progress to get everything sorted out and back in there...or gone completely.

I want to paint too....the walls in there are... well... icky. It was my sisters' room before mine, and they kinda attacked the walls... crayon, pen, tape... time to clean up the place. If I can't get a bigger room, I might as well make mine tolerable. I need to find some funky colors to paint it. I think I'll check out the "Oops" paint shelf at my brother's work, see if there's anything I can use.

Well, lunch break should be over. I need to get back to work.

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