
socks and flip-flops

So hot! Oh yeah!

Anyways, so how am I? I am peachy! I am missing my sweetie like crazy, but I'm surviving.

Work is going well. I think I've finally got all the dogs matched with the right name. That was tough. Next I have to remember who gets fed how much and in which doghouse! Thats a little harder. But I totally love the dogs. They are all awesome! The funniest thing is when I'm cleaning the puppy pen... Brooks, the babysitter, usually just sits on the doghouse and watches me, waiting til I get close enough to give me kisses. But Spirit, the baby, is all energy. I've never seen a kid with that much energy!! She's psycho! But adorable. Most of the time I'm cleaning the pen, she's at my heels, chewing on my boots, or she's stuffing her muzzle down into my boots, or trying to pull my jeans out of my boots! When I move, she moves with me. It's so crazy!!

Class is going well too. I'm getting to know some of the people there. It's fun to get there early just to talk to people. We've been having issues with the vending machines though. First, only one of the two soda machines accepts dollar bills. The snack machine doesnt accept them either, and is running very low. The stuff that's still in there is... old. The soda machine is completely our of Dr. Pepper, which makes me sad. Whenever I want it, they are out. Hopefully they will fill up the machines today or tomorrow so I can have my Dr. Pepper on Thursday!

Friday is the day. I'll lose my wisdom....teeth. Yeppers, all four wisdom teeth are impacted. I can feel one of them poking through my gums too! Lucky me! I'll be going completely under for this, which has me kinda nervous. Mom's the only one going with me, so I'm not worried too much about being loopy on the way home. Needless to say, I won't be going anywhere this weekend. I'll be home with my vicaden and icepacks and sherbert. (so anyone going to the Deerfield fair, I wont be there, as much as I wish I could be!)

I suppose that's all for now. I'l gonna try to update more often!! Sorry I've been so behind.... I'll work on that.

I'm going to leave with these lyrics for my honey. I love you, babe!
"It's the sweet love that you give to me
That makes me believe we can make it through anything
'Cause when it all comes down
And I'm feeling like I'll never last
I just lean on you 'cause baby
You're my better half."


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