
I'm at it again....

Yes, I've been busy again. Ducktape is fun! This here is my new ipod case!! Did you know they made CAMO DUCK TAPE????? How cool is that?!

I also made my black purse tonight. It looks awesome!

I need to find a place that has more colors... maybe Michael's... will check there this week probably.

Thats all for now!


"Passion" ~ Kutless

Here's a song for you. Think about it.

Within my mind's eye
Flickering from the past
Come images that terrify and calm
A paradox in me

Nail pierced hands they run with blood
A splitting brow forced by the thorns
His face is writhing with the pain yet it's comforting to me

He chose to give it all
Jesus endured the pain
Paying a debt I owed and created a paradox in me

Nail pierced hands they run with blood
A splitting brow forced by the thorns
His face is writhing with the pain yet it's comforting to me

And in my heart I know that you're the only one
Who could have come and died, a sacrifice
As your God's only son

Nail pierced hands they run with blood
A splitting brow forced by the thorns
His face is writhing with the pain yet it's comforting to me



Hey now, this is cool.

I was just flipping pages in my Bible, something I do every now and then when I dont know where to read, and I spotted something I'd highlighted a long time ago.

1 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

The Message says "bold and loving and sensible."

Three things. Power, that's easy, everyone loves a power trip. A lot of people try to make an impact with the power they hold, their position in the church, their presumed authority. These aren't bad, but when used all by themselves, they dont really make a difference except to make people feel not good enough and smothered.

Love. That one can be easy too. Love everyone, welcome everyone, accept everyone. That's great, but what happens when someone needs correction? Do we just keep accepting everything, hoping we can love them into changing?

Self-discipline. Ooh, the clincher. No one likes discipline. That's a baaaad word.

Or is it?

When we combine all three of these, we get a pretty good balance, dontcha think? God tells us to use the power He gives us, the love He gives us, but to be "sensible" with it!! Ah! Its all so clear now!

Just a thought!! Comments welcome. :-)

What Boredom Brings...

My latest project!! Isn't it cool??? Jordan inspired me, along with Amber. Amber made a purse once, but I didnt really think about it... then Jordan made me a wallet, and I thought, 'hey, wait a second...' So here we go! Took me not even an hour to make, longer to write the quotes on it, cause I had to find them. lol

By they way, that is ducktape, decorated with Sharpies. Fun stuff!!

Now both my sisters want one... Time to hit up Wal*Mart for more ducktape! I'm thinking orange... maybe red...maybe a combo! Hmmm Maybe I'll make myself a little black purse.. you know, for dressing up. heehee

Well, I think I have to make a dump run for Mom, then it's off to Laconia for a meeting.

But first.




Life is Good!

Ok, I want to post, but first things first. Cookies.

back in a sec....

*elevator music plays* (have you noticed that not many elevators even PLAY music???)

Ok. Back.

My Jordan was here last week!!!! Yay!!! We picked him up from the airport on Wednesday, it was all I could do to not run past the "Do Not Enter" sign when I saw him. It felt so good to hug him again... We spent the rest of the week just spending time together. I loved every second of it. He left at 4:30 Sunday morning, so he could catch his 6:30 flight back to TN. It has never been so hard to say goodbye to someone. But! He's coming home again in 49 days!

I love you babe.

So yeah... at the moment, I dont really have much else to talk about. I'm still flying high from seeing Jordan. Cloud 9, I think they call it. ;-) I'll write more later.



Almost!! Jordan comes TOMORROW!!! I am SO excited! Approx. 22.5 hours... not that I'm counting or anything...

How am I supposed to concentrate in class tonight?
How am I supposed to work in the morning?!?

Jordan's coming!!!



One more post...I think...

I am SOOOOO happy!!!

My Jordan is coming to see me on Wednesday!!! I'm so excited! Mom and I go to pick him up at the airport Wednesday afternoon. I can't wait to see him!!! It has been two loooooooong months since I've seen him. And now I get to see him! Yay!!!!!!!!

Ok, I just had to share that. heehee


Did I see what I think I saw????

I'm not sure... I had to rub my eyes a little... but there was something outside today... It was very strange. I hadn't seen anything like it in soooo long, I'd forgotten what it looked like!! I had to squint to look at it. Not sure if you guys saw it too or not... I think it even made the news!! Dad said he saw it today too... but only in some places. The wind blew it away sometimes... but it kept coming back. What was it?????


Lookie Lookie!!

Thankees Jenny!! She sent me this pic tonight. Aint it cute?? This is what we did for Saturday Night Live at camp. Crazy stuff. At least there was no eyeliner involved this time.... *wink*


Roses are red....

...And pink, and yellow....

Yep, that there is a picture of the roses my sweetie sent me. Aren't they beautiful???

Just wanted to share.



Happy Birthday!!!

Fun fact for today:

October 8 is Inimitable Introspection's birthday!!!

Yes, one year ago yesterday, the adventure started, the quest into the inner workings of Ashley's mind. And we still haven't gotten there yet.

Forward on!


Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch

Rain is just misting now. I checked out about half of the road. Hurray for Webster Road Services! The chasm at the end of our driveway has been filled with sand and neatly packed! I made it about half the way down the road before I decided I didnt need to go any further. I could hear the trucks working down at the other end, didnt see a lot of damage. The little back road is safe once again form the terrible invading waters! Yippie!

It's Raining, It's Pouring....

Well, it certainly did rain last night... and allllllll day yesterday. There are now many reports of flooding in NH. The news has been reporting on it all morning. Roads are closed, some roads have had to evacuate, two propane tanks were washed away and are leaking, so a big area is closed. I've seen pictures of cars parked in driveways with water flowing over the hood.

I haven't yet walked out to check out our driveway and our road. I'm sure there's a LOT washed away. The last time we had major rain, which was a couple days earlier in the summer, the road was seriously washed away. They dug some major ditches along most of the road, to try to direct the water, but our driveway wasn't fixed. We'll probably need a bridge over the moat out there now.

We actually have a puddle out in our yard thats pretty big.

Well, I think I'm gonna go get dressed and go check stuff out. I'll take pictures and if there is anything worth showing, I'll post it.


Have I Told You Lately....

That I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts....

So, it's raining. I mean Serious rain. Has been since last night. Non-stop. HEAVY rain.
Like, somehow knocked the power out last night.
Like, could take a shower out there.
Like, sounds like a marching band on the roof.
Like, I wonder if we'll have a driveway or a moat in the morning.
Like, dig a hole and let it fill for a swimming pool.
Like, if only it was warm, thundering and lightning-ing and it'd be perfect.


So, away from the water topic. How's life? Just fine, thanks for asking, how's yours?

woah. I dont think I want to sit like that. my KNEECAP fell asleep... weird.

Yes, I am in a very random mood tonight. Forgive me. I just dont know what color to use, so I'll change it again. Let's see... I think I want to be purple now. Purple is good.
So, I was thinking yesterday (scary, I know) while I was cleaning Kipp and Seavey's kennel. What a pair. Both bachelors. Both players (meaning not fixed). What if they were people? What would they be like? Here's what I came up with.

I'll start with Kipp. The older, more mature dog. When he was in that kennel alone, it was always the cleanest kennel. He never pooped IN his kennel, and very rarely did anything else. He ate and slept and was happy.

But then, due to other doggie issues, Seavey had to move in. The bachelor pad had a new roomie.

But anyways, I was telling you about Kipp.

Kipp is the older dog, so I picture him as an older guy. He is one of the sweetest dogs, most of the time. He'll jump up on the table while I'm cleaning so that when I walk by, he can reach out and lick my as I walk by. Such a flirt.

If he were a guy, he'd probably be big into theater. Broadway shows, expencive resturants, yacht clubs, black tie affairs. He'd probably be loved by the ladies, both old and young. He wouldnt be able to settle down with just one girl for life though, but when he does have a special lady, she is treated like a queen. Once the relationship was over though, they'd still remain friends, getting together when he was in town, maybe rekindling the romance for a night...

He's usually pretty even tempered, but if another guy picks a fight, he'll not back down. Sometimes some strong words (or growls) are exchanged, but thats to the restraint Kipp has (a fence in most cases) nothing serious comes of it. It's all just noise.

But when it comes to a lady's honor, that's a whole different story.

Celebrity alter-ego? James Bond...picture Pierce Brosnan.

And now, I'd like to introduce you to Kipp's current roommate, Seavey.

Seavey is one of the younger dogs. He's the one that, as soon as you put him back in his kennel, he will go right to the clean water bucket, and stand in it with his front paws, splashing fresh drinking water all over.

Since moving in with Kipp Seavey has proceeded to trash the kennel. He poops everywhere, and both dogs have been vying for the territory, so there is pee everywhere. He's also been chewing on the doghouses, leaving woodchips everywhere.

He's the upstart, trying to find his place, but having a blast doing it.

Seavey is the wild one. He's cute, and he knows it. He picks on the oldest dog, Nemo, constantly when they are out. When he's in the kennel, he picks fights with another youngster, Downey, always from the safety of his pen. All talk, no action. Just noise.

Seavey would be the partier were he a guy. Out every night, coming home at 3 in the morning, probably drunk. Or he'll host parties in the apartment, and leave them for his roomie to clean up. He thinks he's God's gift to women. Never had a serious girlfriend, but lost count of all the one-night-stands. Bad with names, but seems to attract the girls who dont care what you call them.

Favorite movie? American Pie

So, there's a little insight into the characters I work with... I mean, my dogs. ;-)

Wow it's kinda late now! I think I'm gonna close this for now. I'll write again soon. If it's raining again tomorrow, I'll be here, and I'll be bored, so I'll write.

much love!


Big Fish

Little pond.

Spreading my wings.

"She needs wide open spaces..."




Curly or Straight, that is the question....

Ah, life, gotta either take it or leave it, dontcha? And if ya leave it, it just keeps on going without you, hardly waiting for you to change your mind and catch up. Funny how that works.

Do you ever feel completely alone in a huge crowd of people? Or claustrophobic when you are all by yourself? Hmmm....

And why is it that the days I want my hair curly, it dries as straight as it possible can, but when I want it straight, it curls right up? Grrr... time to pull out the straightener....

So yah, now that I have all that out of my system....

I have a stuffy nose! Argh! So annoying. I'm either sniffling, or I can't talk straight. I really dont like being sick. Who knows if I am really sick, or if it's just leftovers from my big cry last night. Either way, it can go away now.....

I've got an hour before class. I'm looking forward to the time away. As every day goes by, I get a little more antsy. I feel like I'm running out of air to breathe, space to move, room to think. And I dont know how to fix it.

But on the bright side, my Jordan is wonderful. I can't thank God enough for him. I can't tell him how much I love him. He's my best friend, my confidant, my love. I miss him so much, but I am SO looking forward to seeing him again. It's almost time for midterms. Half way there!

So yah, I suppose that's it for now. Can't think of anything else to write right now... Maybe later tonight. Hmmm...


Sherbert for Breakfast!


One of the pluses to not being able to eat solid foods, I get the good stuff, like sherbert!!

I'm recovering pretty well, surprisingly. Hopefully I'll be good as new SOON! It's only been two days, and I'm sick of this. (Well, not sick of the sherbert...)

My honey is off being an athlete today. He's taking part in a triathalon! I wish I could be there on the sidelines, cheering him on, but I'm stuck here. Next time! I love you, babe!

So yeah, I suppose thats just a short post. I might have more to post later today, we'll see.

Hugs to ya!


By The Way...

I have got the worlds greatest boyfriend!! He sent me 18 baby roses, yellow, red, and pink, for our 2 month anniversary!!!!

But thats not all.

They arrived yesterday, the day I got my teeth pulled. Now I get to recover with the lovely smell of roses in my room.

I love you, Jordan!!!

The Tale of 4 Teeth

They are gone! Gone! My childhood wisdom is gone forever with my wisdom teeth!

Ok, I'll explain. Yesterday morning, I woke up at 6:45. By 8, Mom was getting used to driving my car as we headed to the oral surgeon's. I'll never forget my Doc's name. Rosato. Sounds like pasta. Mom and I were laughing about it while we were sitting in the waiting room. The nurse came in. dun dun dun. She got me settled into the chair, hooked up to the machine (those pads were COLD!), and the blood pressure cuff, which squeezed my arm every 5 minutes. Almost 10 minutes later the Doc came in too. He layed the chair back, and slipped this thing over my nose, I'm sure i looked goofy. Then they plugged my hand into the IV. That wasnt too bad at all. For my first IV, I expected it to hurt more. Not so! hardly felt a thing. Giving blood hurt more. Then the Doc said he was going to give me a steroid to help with the swelling. I remember the nurse chuckling about how she has to do things in a certain order every time. I remember nothing else. 30 seconds tops from when they started the IV until I was out.

The next thing I remember was them telling me they were going to bring Mom in. Recovery! Dont really remember much about my time in that room, I was kinda touch and go. I do remember I got a ride out to the car in the wheelchair, but I dont remember the ride at all. I dont really remember the ride home either. But I DO remember how numb the lower half of my face was. I couldnt feel anything on my chin or lower lip!! Or my tongue, which is a very weird feeling. The first time Mom changed the packing in my mouth, I just about passed out.

I slept on and off, with ice inbetween, but since I couldnt feel my mouth, I couldnt take any meds. Half of my face came back to life pretty quick, including half of my tongue. At least I could drink now. The other half of my face was still coming back by the time I went to bed last night. It felt all tingly every time I touched it, like a foot that fell asleep. This morning, I can feel my whole mouth just fine.

I haven't had any of the gauze in my mouth since yesterday afternoon, and I start salt water rinses today. blech. But such is recovery.

The good part is, I'm hardly swollen at all. One side of my face, the side that came back sooner, isnt' swollen at all. And the other side is a little bit. No chipmunk cheeks for me! Wahoo!

So, there's the tale of my 4 teeth. Not too gory, actually. I'm gonna go ice my face now, and probably sleep some.

love and hugs.