
Curly or Straight, that is the question....

Ah, life, gotta either take it or leave it, dontcha? And if ya leave it, it just keeps on going without you, hardly waiting for you to change your mind and catch up. Funny how that works.

Do you ever feel completely alone in a huge crowd of people? Or claustrophobic when you are all by yourself? Hmmm....

And why is it that the days I want my hair curly, it dries as straight as it possible can, but when I want it straight, it curls right up? Grrr... time to pull out the straightener....

So yah, now that I have all that out of my system....

I have a stuffy nose! Argh! So annoying. I'm either sniffling, or I can't talk straight. I really dont like being sick. Who knows if I am really sick, or if it's just leftovers from my big cry last night. Either way, it can go away now.....

I've got an hour before class. I'm looking forward to the time away. As every day goes by, I get a little more antsy. I feel like I'm running out of air to breathe, space to move, room to think. And I dont know how to fix it.

But on the bright side, my Jordan is wonderful. I can't thank God enough for him. I can't tell him how much I love him. He's my best friend, my confidant, my love. I miss him so much, but I am SO looking forward to seeing him again. It's almost time for midterms. Half way there!

So yah, I suppose that's it for now. Can't think of anything else to write right now... Maybe later tonight. Hmmm...

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