
Life is Good!

Ok, I want to post, but first things first. Cookies.

back in a sec....

*elevator music plays* (have you noticed that not many elevators even PLAY music???)

Ok. Back.

My Jordan was here last week!!!! Yay!!! We picked him up from the airport on Wednesday, it was all I could do to not run past the "Do Not Enter" sign when I saw him. It felt so good to hug him again... We spent the rest of the week just spending time together. I loved every second of it. He left at 4:30 Sunday morning, so he could catch his 6:30 flight back to TN. It has never been so hard to say goodbye to someone. But! He's coming home again in 49 days!

I love you babe.

So yeah... at the moment, I dont really have much else to talk about. I'm still flying high from seeing Jordan. Cloud 9, I think they call it. ;-) I'll write more later.

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