
What Boredom Brings...

My latest project!! Isn't it cool??? Jordan inspired me, along with Amber. Amber made a purse once, but I didnt really think about it... then Jordan made me a wallet, and I thought, 'hey, wait a second...' So here we go! Took me not even an hour to make, longer to write the quotes on it, cause I had to find them. lol

By they way, that is ducktape, decorated with Sharpies. Fun stuff!!

Now both my sisters want one... Time to hit up Wal*Mart for more ducktape! I'm thinking orange... maybe red...maybe a combo! Hmmm Maybe I'll make myself a little black purse.. you know, for dressing up. heehee

Well, I think I have to make a dump run for Mom, then it's off to Laconia for a meeting.

But first.


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