
Have I Told You Lately....

That I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts....

So, it's raining. I mean Serious rain. Has been since last night. Non-stop. HEAVY rain.
Like, somehow knocked the power out last night.
Like, could take a shower out there.
Like, sounds like a marching band on the roof.
Like, I wonder if we'll have a driveway or a moat in the morning.
Like, dig a hole and let it fill for a swimming pool.
Like, if only it was warm, thundering and lightning-ing and it'd be perfect.


So, away from the water topic. How's life? Just fine, thanks for asking, how's yours?

woah. I dont think I want to sit like that. my KNEECAP fell asleep... weird.

Yes, I am in a very random mood tonight. Forgive me. I just dont know what color to use, so I'll change it again. Let's see... I think I want to be purple now. Purple is good.
So, I was thinking yesterday (scary, I know) while I was cleaning Kipp and Seavey's kennel. What a pair. Both bachelors. Both players (meaning not fixed). What if they were people? What would they be like? Here's what I came up with.

I'll start with Kipp. The older, more mature dog. When he was in that kennel alone, it was always the cleanest kennel. He never pooped IN his kennel, and very rarely did anything else. He ate and slept and was happy.

But then, due to other doggie issues, Seavey had to move in. The bachelor pad had a new roomie.

But anyways, I was telling you about Kipp.

Kipp is the older dog, so I picture him as an older guy. He is one of the sweetest dogs, most of the time. He'll jump up on the table while I'm cleaning so that when I walk by, he can reach out and lick my as I walk by. Such a flirt.

If he were a guy, he'd probably be big into theater. Broadway shows, expencive resturants, yacht clubs, black tie affairs. He'd probably be loved by the ladies, both old and young. He wouldnt be able to settle down with just one girl for life though, but when he does have a special lady, she is treated like a queen. Once the relationship was over though, they'd still remain friends, getting together when he was in town, maybe rekindling the romance for a night...

He's usually pretty even tempered, but if another guy picks a fight, he'll not back down. Sometimes some strong words (or growls) are exchanged, but thats to the restraint Kipp has (a fence in most cases) nothing serious comes of it. It's all just noise.

But when it comes to a lady's honor, that's a whole different story.

Celebrity alter-ego? James Bond...picture Pierce Brosnan.

And now, I'd like to introduce you to Kipp's current roommate, Seavey.

Seavey is one of the younger dogs. He's the one that, as soon as you put him back in his kennel, he will go right to the clean water bucket, and stand in it with his front paws, splashing fresh drinking water all over.

Since moving in with Kipp Seavey has proceeded to trash the kennel. He poops everywhere, and both dogs have been vying for the territory, so there is pee everywhere. He's also been chewing on the doghouses, leaving woodchips everywhere.

He's the upstart, trying to find his place, but having a blast doing it.

Seavey is the wild one. He's cute, and he knows it. He picks on the oldest dog, Nemo, constantly when they are out. When he's in the kennel, he picks fights with another youngster, Downey, always from the safety of his pen. All talk, no action. Just noise.

Seavey would be the partier were he a guy. Out every night, coming home at 3 in the morning, probably drunk. Or he'll host parties in the apartment, and leave them for his roomie to clean up. He thinks he's God's gift to women. Never had a serious girlfriend, but lost count of all the one-night-stands. Bad with names, but seems to attract the girls who dont care what you call them.

Favorite movie? American Pie

So, there's a little insight into the characters I work with... I mean, my dogs. ;-)

Wow it's kinda late now! I think I'm gonna close this for now. I'll write again soon. If it's raining again tomorrow, I'll be here, and I'll be bored, so I'll write.

much love!

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