
Extreme Boredom

Real Name: Ashley
Nicknames that have been made up for you or you've been called: Ashy, Fish, Red Hot, Babe

Gender: all girl

Birthplace: Concord, NH

Birthdate: 2-3-86

Currently live in: NH

Currently live with: Family

Have any brothers, sisters: brother, 3 sisters

Eye color: blue

Height: 5'6"

Contacts/glasses: glasses

Hobbies: reading, writing, talking/singing, that about sums it up.

Do you play any sports?: I can thumb wrestle...

Piercings: nope

Tattoos: nope


School name: soon to be Southern Adventist University, OH YEAH

Colors: dunno

Favorite Subject: english

Least favorite subject: math, but apparently I'm good at it.

Have you ever failed a class?: not yet, but give me time

If so what?: n/a

Favorite teacher?: haha me!

Least favorite teacher?: ditto!

If you could have any teacher fired who would it be?: n/a

If you were a teacher what subject would you teach?: PARENTING! lol nah, probably english of some sort

Are you going to college?: Oh yeah, and SOON!

If so, what one?: see above

Whats their mascot?: duuuuuno

What do you plan to major in?: photojournalism, or something close to it

What do you want your career to be?: freelance something


Color: green, blue, black

Type of music: christian, country

Group(s): casting crowns, rascal flatts, barlow girl, lonestar... could go on and on and on

CD: at the moment, Lifesong ~ Casting Crowns. but it changes weekly

Video: uhhh dunno.

Vacation Spot: any beach

Place to hang out: starbucks, downtown concord (main st.), and anywhere my friends are

Holiday: thanksgiving

Season: fall

Day of the week: NOT Monday

Sport: not big into sports

Sport to watch: ditto

Family member: I will not play favorites... but Sammy's pretty cute... most of the time.

Store: target!

Hair style (for guys): short, whatever looks good on the guy

Hair style (for girls): whatever

Website: MINE! ha

Country: Scotland, and I'll go there someday too.

Smell: fresh brewed coffee

Food: I dunno... something yummy

Kind of book: sweet romances probably.

Planet: Mars, the guys from there are pretty cute. ;-)

Sandwich: hot turkey with mayo on toast. great way to take care of T-day leftovers

Favorite joke: I tell jokes badly.

Poem: dunno

Color of clothing: black goes with everything.... or earth tones.

Word: inimitable

Animal: my huskies! (gonna miss them!)

Pet: used to be a cat... but I think I'm turning into a dog person.

Radio Station: WOKQ 97.5 COUNTRY BABY!

Television station: hallmark

Electrically powered device: my phone!

Quote: cant pick just one...

Quote about love: "I love you with all my heart and kidneys!"

Thing to do on a hot day: beach, just enjoying the warm

On a cold day: sleep in my warm bed, or find a fireplace, or cuddle with my hunny

On a rainy day: warm or cold rain?

Number: 2

Color of m&m: green

Type of tree: birch

Disney movie: beauty and the beast

Street name: umm... mutton rd?

Soda: dr. pepper or coke or sprite or fresca...

Magazine: dont read them often

Cologne: whatever it is that Jordan wears...how do you spell that one?

Perfume: mine. lol

Coin: quarters

Football team: uh... patriots? dont watch much football

Gum: trident cinnamon currently

Jolly Rancher: watermelon

Weather: sunny and warm or warm and kinda rainy

Vegetable: tomato?

Shape: a circle.. like a ring.... ;-)

Actor: Johnny Depp

Actress: Anne Hathaway probably

Computer game: solitaire

Ice-cream flavor: that vienna mocha chunk we had recently was pretty good

Board game: monopoly or clue

Cereal: yummy Fruit Harvest

Island: umm... dunno

Athlete: hmm

Language: english, but I love listening to french


Are you going out with anyone?: yes I am!

If so who?: Jordan Wagner

How long: just over 4 months

Do you have a crush: you could say that

If so, who: my hunny

How long have you liked them: long enough. ;-)

Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend: Mike

Who was your first kiss: Mike

Have you ever been dumped: no

Have you ever dumped: yes, twice

Do you want to get married: yes, definatly

If so, what age: let's see.. *counts* 21 isnt too bad

If everyone was single and everyone eligible who would you go out with?: Jordan, no one else could measure up.

+light or shadow? light

+christmas eve or new years eve? hmmm new years

+mosh pit or orchestra pit? orchestra

+ideas or emotion? emotion
+ferris wheel or haunted house? ferris wheel
+belly dancing or kick boxing? kickboxing

+pierced nose or pierced tongue? no thanks

+camp counselors or lifeguard? lifeguard ;-)

+glasses or contacts? glasses

+tortoise or hare? tortoises are COOL

+palm trees or evergreens? palm trees

+asparagus or broccoli? asparagus

+moonlight or sunlight? yes

+destiny or chance? destiny

+smile or eyes? smiling eyes

+popularity or kindness? kindness

+passion or compassion? compassion

+party animal or teddy bear? even mix

+horse and carriage or private jet? horse and carraige

+friday or saturday night? saturday night

+musician or rocket scientist? musician

+dancing in the street or singing in the rain? dancing in the rain. lol

+acoustic or electronic? acoustic

+barney or big bird? big bird

+blonde or brunette? brunette

+your best friend's current girlfriend/boyfriend or last one? well, at the moment, Jordan's my best friend, so I think I'll say current.

+poems or paintings? poems

+old movies or music videos? old movies

+freedom or money? freedom

+smell or taste? taste

+flubber or fluff? fluff

+instant messenger or telephone? both

+superheroes or supervillans? heros!

+your temper or a supernova? arent they the same? lol

+feet on the ground or head in the clouds? well grounded, but within reach of the clouds

+boxing or ballet? ballet

+snakes or snails? snails

+your crush or brad pitt? my crush

+stripes or polka dots? stripes

+funk or folk? folk

+guinea pigs or ferrets? hampsters!

+dictionary or encyclopedia? dictionary

+curly or staight? yes

+elbows or knees? knees, cause I can sit on 'em.

+shy or assertive? assertive

+tropical island or big city? island paradise!

+multiplication or division? multiplication

+basketball or bowling? bowling

+numbers or letters? letters

+laughter or tears? laughter

+sugar or spice? both please

+innie or outtie? uhh, either?

+fred flintstone or barney rubble? Barney Rubble, he didnt yell as much

+a single rose or a dozen? either or

+geek or freak? geek

+chat room or face to face? face to face

+girls or boys? I'd have to say boys.

+fish or fowl? to eat? fish, cause I dont get it often

+class clown or class flirt? I'd probably be the flirt

+rugrats or little rascals? little rascals!

+surfers or psychics? surfers

+denim or silk? I live in denim

+desert island or penthouse apartment? does the penthouse have a hottub?

+wild or wise? both

+candlelight dinner or afternoon picnic? both

+convertible or motorcycle? motorcycle

+bacon bits or croutons? croutons (just dont stab them)

+peacock or parrot? peacock

+first kiss or the flirting that leads up 2 it? oh, both, definatly. heehee

+campfire or fireplace? campfire

+lemony fresh or chocolaty delicious? chocolatey delicious

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