
Society sucks. ( a rant )

What are you supposed to do when you find the myspace page of someones daughter and see THAT kind of picture posted there?

What should you do when you see Adventist kids, who grew up in Adventist homes, swearing and making lewd comments towards other Adventist kids? Is this how we want the world to see our denomination? Is this the product of our education system? Is this why we pay thousands of dollars MORE to send our kids to private schools? They can get that kind of education in a free public school and parents can save money for retirement.

What have we come to? If we lined up 6 kids from a public school and 6 kids from an Adventist institution, would we be able to tell who was who? Once in a while yes, but 90% of the time, probably not.

Growing up we were taught to be "in the world and not of the world." I think trying to look and act like the world is a little more on the "of the world" side of the balance. What kind of examples are we to others? What kind of reputation are we giving our faith?

When did all of this happen?

There is so much talk about non-conformity. Dont be like everyone else. Be yourself. Have an attitude. Set yourself apart. But you know, everyone is not conforming the same way! I think we are shooting ourselves in the foot. There is no individuality anymore. Everyone strives to be "different" by following the "different trend."

Society has painted a picture of what is "sexy". Skinny. Busty. Tan. Black eyeliner. Yes, that is sexy. But it's not beautiful. Genuine beauty is a rare find. Character is hard to find too. The stencil of society has made cookie cutter characters, with no real individuality. God did not create "sexy." "Sexy" is meant to attract many. God created us for just one spouse. That one person is the only one we have to worry about. And that one person, if their heart is with God, will see beauty, not sexy. That one person will see what the rest of the world passes by.

While the world sees short shorts and low-cut tops, heavy make-up and over-plucked eyebrows, our God-created spouse will see the weaknesses, the compassion, the humility, the grace, the vulnerability that we try to hide. Beauty is NOT just skin deep. Sexy is skin deep. Beauty goes completely through to the soul of a person. True, genuine beauty reflects Christ. Sexy reflects the world.

When I walk into a store in the summer wearing jeans, I feel like I'm seen as someone from outer space. The lone denim among so many barely-there miniskirts. (which, by the way, I thought had gone out of style) I have self-respect, and I'm the weird one?

I don't want to seem like I'm judging. I'm not. I'm trying to understand why we are the way we are.

I don't think that most girls honestly see themselves as objects just waiting for a guy or many guys to snatch them up. I think they have just been confused. They have been brainwashed, if you will, by a concept. Most guys aren't much help either. They've been brainwashed too, taught to see women as playthings, objects, even sometimes just something to use and then cast aside.

I wish we could stop looking at society for our model. There is so much more to look to. If you want to.

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