
When the Cat's away....

...the mice will play.... in the rain!

Yes, the parents are out for the night. Aaron is also not here. It's just me, and the girls. And a rainstorm.


Oh, and a camera! (which is always included when I'm around)

So, the girls and I were sitting in the living room, watching Princess Diaries, and we heard thunder start rumbling in the distance. It had been slowly getting dark over the past few hours, and we were just waiting for it to rain. Well, a few more booms, and the heavens let go. It started to rain. Lightly at first, just enough to catch the attention of the three younger ones. As they were walking to the door to invesitgate, the rain got steadily heavier. And heavier!

Well, being MY little sisters, they couldn't resist stepping outside for a sprinkle. (running in the rain is in our blood) I didn't want them to get completely soaked, and I didn't know if there was going to be lightning, so I said for them to stay on the back porch. It's partially covered with branches, so I figured they'd be ok.

But, again, they are MY sisters. It wasn't enough sprinkle! Alright. I couldn't resist either....so I got my camera!

They were still mostly dry in this picture, but it wouldn't be lasting long. As we were taking the picture, the rain was getting heavier. And the draw to dance was getting stronger. Ok, the big softy that I am said go for it. So all three of my little proteges took off down to the driveway.

In the driveway, they took great pleasure in running through every puddle they came to, and with great exhuberance. Muddy water was flying! And soon, so was Sam! During one of her sprints through a puddle, her feet slipped from under her, and she landed with a splash in the mud! No harm done, she got up laughing and kept going.

Soon, the driveway was not enough, so they all ran to the yard. Under the run off made for a great "shower" and the girls got even more soaked.

Eventually, the rain subsided, and I called the wet ones in for real showers. But first, I had to get "after" pictures to show how completely soaked they got.

You can always tell how much fun they had by how wet and dirty they get! We had fun tonight, they are all clean again, and it's soon to be bed time.

Ahh, I love my sisters!

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