
Black and White Snowscape

While I was driving today, I noticed.....

The landscape has been stripped of it's color. Trees and bushes, roads and mountains, everything stands out in black and white. The only bright colors belong to road signs. Even the cars have all taken on the same mud-salt-slushy hue. Occasionally an expensive, garage-housed car will zoom past in a brief flash of red or blue. The definition of nature has been rounded to unidentifiable lumps and bumps under the snow. Where stone walls used to be, now only a white ridge. Natural guardrails have appeared along rural roads, pushed there by speeding snowplows. Trees are left looking like dusty skeletons. Housetops that once were green or brown or black now all bear the same pure white cover. Swift winds drift snow across roads so there is hardly a road visible anymore. Cars drive along the road, shedding their icing in a cloud of fluff behind them. Snowmen with stark white faces and dark black eyes pop up in yards and along driveways. Figures that resemble humans are out, bundled against the cold, shovelling the front steps, or snowblowing the walk. Cars are started long before departure to attempt at a warm ride. When the sun rises, everything takes on a bright blue glow, slowly turning pink, then finally bright white as the sun reaches its full height. At night, the hills in the distance, shrouded in snow, glisten orange and pink and purple as the sun slowly makes it's way down to settle among the low hills and valleys. Family pets spend more and more time indoors, only venturing outside when absolutely necessary. During the daytime hours, cats curl up over heating vents, and beside woodstoves. Dogs find an abandoned bed to sleep on until an owner comes home and shoos them off. Life seems to slow down whenever snow falls. The quiet hiss of snow reaching the ground, or landing on trees, seems loud when there is no other sound. Sunday evenings are spent drinking cocoa with marshmallows around a fireplace or woodstove, wrapped in a wool blanket. Dreams of Spring flood nighttime imaginings. Morning arrives too soon, meaning another venture into the cold to brush off a car, to de-ice a driveway, to shovel a stair.....

Think Spring! and Good-night!


It's quarter past one in the morning, and I'm still awake. I just barely came into my room for the night! Craaaaaazy stuff. But hey, this is me, what more could ya expect? ;-)

We had a board meeting at the church tonight. I only attended long enough to plug the blood drive I'm organizing, then I went home again (took about ten minutes longer cause of the icky snow on the roads). But I've heard all about what went on. It amazes me how shallow our church has become. Everything revolves around money, and hardly around God. Yes, they have good intentions with some of their plans, but they go about it all the wrong way. We spend more time arguing and misunderstanding at these board meetings than we glorify God. It's not right, but I have no power to change it. It frustrates me. (if anyone ever wants to experience my temper, mention renting, cleaning, or decorating my church...just make sure you're prepared to deal with the torrent that will ensue.) I'm really struggling to have a Christian attitude with these situations and the people (boneheads) involved. It's very hard for me, for my family. Whoever reads this, take a moment and pray for me about that, will you? Thanks.

On another note, school. Ah, the word that doesnt like me at the moment. As I confided in a friend, I wish no one knew my school situation. As it is, more people know that I'd like, and its embarrassing. A certain few tend to nag on me about it, and it gets real old real fast. (No, Judd, you're not one of them. ;-) ) This is a public statement (for those who read this) that no longer will my schooling situation be widely known, except to those who I want to discuss it with. Hopefully this will reduce nagging. Who knows.... Nothing depresses me more than talk about my schooling right now... so yeah.........

On to brighter subjects, as I mentioned before, I am organizing a blood drive. I'm really getting excited about it too. I'm hoping to invite all the Adventist churches in the area to take part, as well as non-Adventist. I'm going to invite the Governer, and some other important people (how many blood drives to they get personally invited to, anyways?) I'm aiming to have this drive take place in May, though I don't have a date set yet. Once I do, I'll make it known, and whoever is in the area at that time is VERY welcome to come down and donate! Will keep you updated!

Now it's getting late, I need to get to sleep before I yawn so much that my jaw gets stuck (with the state my jaw is in right now, it could happen!)

Good night!


Friday Night Lights

Hello my lovlies!
As some of you know, my brother and I are working on pulling together a Prayer ministry in our church, a task that is not easy. Tonight, as I was working on pulling together some last-minute thoughts (we present this to our church tomorrow) I was cruising through the New Testament with a verse in my head that I had to find... in turning pages, I came across one of my favorite verses in 1 Thessalonians.

Now, before I go any further, I need to explain a little detail about my Bible. It is a NIV - The Message parallel Bible, meaning each page has one column of NIV, and the same passage in The Message in the second column. It's wonderful! The NIV is in clear language, but the Message makes it personal.

Anyways, to continue. The verse I found in 1 Thes. is 1:2,3. I'm not going to write it all out here, but I do recommend you look it up sometime. That verse is highlighted on the NIV side of the page. As I scanned over the rest of the page, I saw another line that had been highlighted on the Message side. Verse 1:4. I don't remember highlighting this, but I suppose I did at some point.
Read this:
"It is clear to us, friends, that God not only loves you very much but also has put his hand on you for something special."

Wow! Can you imagine God touching you, paving the way for you to do "something special," equipping you with whatever you need. What a wonderful thought!

But wait, there's more!
As I read on, reading the context, I found even more gems!
Verse 5.
"When the Message we preached came to you, it wasn't just words. Something happened in you. The Holy Spirit put steel in your convictions."

And still, in verse 6, "Although great trouble accompanied the Word, you were able to take great joy from the Holy Spirit! -- taking the trouble with the joy, the joy with the trouble."

There's an entire sermon right there in those few verses!
"It wasn't just words..." How many sermons have we sat through in our lives that were just words? That really had no impact except on our heavy eyelids? When Paul was preaching, talk about enthusiasm! We know how much this man went through! HE had a live-altering experience with GOD! This man had a mission and a message, and nothing was gonna stop him. No matter what audience he spoke to, "it wasn't just words."

But you know, he's no more of a changed man, no more of a sinner, no more of a saint, than we are. He even describes himself as "the worst." (1 Tim. 1:15) Are any of us that humble? We are all "the worst" sinners. Yes, God has put his hand on US for something special. How awesome is that?!?

God gave Paul steel in his convictions. There was no question in his mind. People knew God exsisted just by seeing what He had done in this man's life. This man had started out killing God's people, and now, he was sharing the same Christ. God is good.

We can have those steel convictions. We can have something happen in us. It's not hard, we just have to accept God's will, and let him do something special through us.

The lights have gone out, it's 10:30. I think it's time for bed.
God bless you all! Have a wonderful weekend!

I never did find the verse I was looking for originally....Hmmm...

Friday... almost as busy as Monday!

I wish I could write more, but I'm on my way out the door to spend the day downtown. I know, I need to write here more... I'm trying! (yeah, I know, I'm very trying)

Today Mom and I get to vaccuum at the church, as well as finish up anything else. So glad we'll be done with that soon! Aaron is sick, I'm probably next in line to get it, blech.

Ack! Gotta run! much love and hugs!


Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy V-day to you all! Sending everyone a special hug and chocolates!
And of course, a rose!

Tootles, and have a wonderful day!



Little sisters are soo adorable...

Sam has just fallen asleep on my brother, she didnt even make it halfway through Shrek 2. She is so angelic when she is sleeping. :-)

This morning, in an effort to get me out of bed, Mom sent Sam in to jump on me. After sitting on my head, and stepping on my computer (dont ask how that happened) she finally crawled under the covers with me, where it was still warm (which is why I didnt want to get out of bed yet). She goofed off some, kicked some, then finally turned to face me and snuggled in under my chin. After a little bit she stopped wiggling....I looked at her, and she had fallen asleep!! I guess Mom's plans to get me up backfired!

I was just thinking about this again, and it kinda has an (if obscure) analogy. How many times to we come to God restless, wiggly, and not wanting to sit still? We just want to bounce around, do our own thing. But does he say "Ok, you wiggle too much, come back when you are ready to quiet down"? Nope! He stays right there, with a grin on His face, patiently waiting for us to realize there is calm and warmth with Him. Finally, when we are ready, He just pulls us in under His wing where it's safe and warm.
"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety" Psalm 4:8

Aren't they just so cute when they are sleeping???


It's that time of year again!

Yup, it comes around every year. Most people look forward to it, some people don't look forward to it....

It's..... FEBRUARY TEN!!!


Well, this week is coming to an end. Another week gone. And one less week that I have to wait until Jordan comes home! Yay!

Tomorrow we get to bring my brother's girlfriend, Amber, home. We are all looking forward to seeing her again! It's been MONTHS! She gets to stay all weekend, which means I get to tease them both all weekend. (Yes, Aaron, I know you will get to tease me someday too...)

Well, I wish I had more to write about right now, but I really dont! I have to go type some stuff up and get it printed out before I forget. I'll write again soon!


It's Monday again...

And it isnt always a good thing! This week, for instance, my Monday is only half over, and already has consisted of being informed that I need to have my wisdom teeth pulled before summer, and I have problems with my TMJ! Yippie Skippie!!

Yah, I had a dentist appointment this morning. Wasn't too bad, I work for the doc there. But no matter how well I know the doc, I'm still not too excited about having my wisdom teeth pulled... Oh well, such is life right?

I am so excited, its MUDDY outside!!! It has been in the 40s for the past week! Ha, you know I'm from New England when I think 40 degrees is warm!! In fact, it's almost 50 downtown...kinda humid too...there's a haze everywhere...... wait a sec, nope, never mind, my glasses were just slimey, thats all. :-p But in all seriousness, it really is nice outside. They say we are expecting a "Winter Storm" later this week, but that it's too far off to know for sure.... I'm hoping that if I get enough people to blow hard enough, we can blow away whatever storm is coming! Who's with me?!?

*hears a pin drop*

uhh.... Ok! Moving on!

Well, since I am at a complete loss as to what else to write about, I'm gonna sign off for now! Love and hugs to everyone!


Star light, star bright

Thousands of stars I see tonight!

I was driving home tonight, coming from the bright pink glow of downtown Concord, and when I was finally out of reach of the street lights I happened to look out my window...


The stars I saw were SO amazing, it was hard to keep my eyes on the road! Orion was just over my head, and I dont even know what else was up there. But they were SO bright! Literally "Like Diamonds in the sky!"

It's so amazing that God hung each star in the sky. He placed each one right where it needed to be. Wow....

Just had to share that!
Good night!


Birthday Excitement!!

I am officially 19!!! Yay for me!

We went out to eat at the Weathervane today to celebrate, and on the way there, I think I scared my Mom and brother... Aaron put in music from Shrek 2, namely, "Funky Town", and I just went crazy... Dancing in my seat, singing along, it was great!! I dont know if I was just excited about going out to eat or what... but I had fun!! I even had Sammy laughing at me! You know, there is nothing more fun then singing loud and off key when you are closed in a car with family. heehee (course, there's nothing more fun then singing anyhow... but still)

So that was fun. I had an interesting morning though... Nothing like waking up to talk to a wonderful guy, then having the town police show up at your door, followed by your grandmother who almost had a heart attack upon seeing the cruiser in the driveway! Definatly a birthday like no other! Ha!

Well, thats all... need some sleep! Good night!


I can't believe I'm awake still...

What do you do when you are so tired, you can barely see straight, but you can't sleep? I'm trying to figure that out... I have been awake for almost 21 hours... I am soo tired... but I have enough going on in my head that I can't sleep.

Such as, why does life not play fair? I mean, just when you get settled into something, something happens to change it. It isn't always a bad something, but something nonetheless. Sometimes I'm scared of what change is gonna come next... will I be ready?

Enough of that... Today, someone left me a message that just made me feel soo good inside... it wasn't much, it wasn't mushy, it wasn't long, but just something about it... It made me incredibly disappointed because I missed the person, but at the time time, I was ecstatic because they missed me. It's a wonderful feeling. :-) I can't wait to talk to him again!

Ok, it's now 1:30-ish. I've talked with people enough, I think I can sleep now.
Good night!


Ground-what day?

I never got what the big deal was with the poor little groundhog... either way, Spring is coming soon. ha!

I've been awake for 12 hours...sleepy now!

What a beautiful day it was today! When I left this morning, it was cold, but by the time I got out of work, it was absolutely GORGEOUS! Yay!

This is just a quick post before I go eat supper... but I just have to pass on a special note for someone... he knows who he is....


Thats all for now! I might write again tonight, but if not, I will tomorrow!


Happy Tuesday!!!!

Hey everyone!

I am soo happy, I worked today for the first time in about a month. So good to be back! I LOVE the place I work and the people I work with. It's so hard to be anything but happy there... The girls behind the desk are all sweethearts, and the docs are fantasitc! (I work in a dental office, fyi)

On my way home tonight, I had put my new Jeremy Camp cd into my cd player (where else would I put it???) and cranked it up. I love listening to music in my car when I'm alone... I can sing as loud as I want, turn the music up as loud as I want, and play a song as many times as I want!! It's great!

Anyways! I was doing just that, and was playing Jeremy Camp's "My Desire" over and over and over and over and...well, you get the point. The song touched me so much, it spoke about what goes through my mind A LOT. Here's the first verse and the chorus... see if it doesnt say something to you!

"You want to be real
You want to be empty inside
You want to be someone lating down your pride
You want to be someone someday
Then lay it down before the King
You want to be whole
You want to have purpose inside
You want to have virtue and purify your mind
You want to be set free today
Then lay it all down before the King

This is my desire
This is my return
This is my desire
To be used by You

All my life I have seen where You've taken me
Beyond all I have hoped and there's more left unseen
There's not much I can do to repay all You've done
So I give my hands to use

This is my desire
This is my return
This is my desire
To be used by You"

WOW! Isn't that a fabulous song! There's another wonderful song on this cd, but that will have to wait for another post, I dont want to make this too long! But I had to share this one right away. If you get an opportunity to listen to this song, or the whole cd, do it! It'll be well worth your time. :-)

Gotta run, my rumbly is tumbling. ;-)