

Little sisters are soo adorable...

Sam has just fallen asleep on my brother, she didnt even make it halfway through Shrek 2. She is so angelic when she is sleeping. :-)

This morning, in an effort to get me out of bed, Mom sent Sam in to jump on me. After sitting on my head, and stepping on my computer (dont ask how that happened) she finally crawled under the covers with me, where it was still warm (which is why I didnt want to get out of bed yet). She goofed off some, kicked some, then finally turned to face me and snuggled in under my chin. After a little bit she stopped wiggling....I looked at her, and she had fallen asleep!! I guess Mom's plans to get me up backfired!

I was just thinking about this again, and it kinda has an (if obscure) analogy. How many times to we come to God restless, wiggly, and not wanting to sit still? We just want to bounce around, do our own thing. But does he say "Ok, you wiggle too much, come back when you are ready to quiet down"? Nope! He stays right there, with a grin on His face, patiently waiting for us to realize there is calm and warmth with Him. Finally, when we are ready, He just pulls us in under His wing where it's safe and warm.
"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety" Psalm 4:8

Aren't they just so cute when they are sleeping???

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