
It's Monday again...

And it isnt always a good thing! This week, for instance, my Monday is only half over, and already has consisted of being informed that I need to have my wisdom teeth pulled before summer, and I have problems with my TMJ! Yippie Skippie!!

Yah, I had a dentist appointment this morning. Wasn't too bad, I work for the doc there. But no matter how well I know the doc, I'm still not too excited about having my wisdom teeth pulled... Oh well, such is life right?

I am so excited, its MUDDY outside!!! It has been in the 40s for the past week! Ha, you know I'm from New England when I think 40 degrees is warm!! In fact, it's almost 50 downtown...kinda humid too...there's a haze everywhere...... wait a sec, nope, never mind, my glasses were just slimey, thats all. :-p But in all seriousness, it really is nice outside. They say we are expecting a "Winter Storm" later this week, but that it's too far off to know for sure.... I'm hoping that if I get enough people to blow hard enough, we can blow away whatever storm is coming! Who's with me?!?

*hears a pin drop*

uhh.... Ok! Moving on!

Well, since I am at a complete loss as to what else to write about, I'm gonna sign off for now! Love and hugs to everyone!

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