

Just thought I'd write before I started considering going to bed for the night. ;-)

I mean... uh... if my parents are reading this, before I DO go to bed for the night!

Actually, I should be going to bed soon anyways, been up late so many nights this week... thanks to SOMEONE!! hahahaha

Tomorrow I get to go visit another cemetary! I can't wait! I enjoy them so much! The history that you can find in them...

Sometimes when I see a particularly eloquent headstone I wonder what kind of person they really were. Did they truly live up to the inscription? Or was their family just trying to be polite one last time? And what about all the stones for babies? Those make me so sad... children who die before they are even a year old. I wonder if they were from a big family, or if they were the only child ever born to their parents. Were they the oldest? the youngest? Or were they unwanted? There are so many questions around each headstone. You could create wonderful lives for the person, or they could be a dastardly villian! It's such a "scope for the imagination!" to quote Anne Shirley.

Ok! I'm done! :-D

Time to go for the night. I want to do some reading, and maybe some writing, before I go to bed. And maybe I'll catch some interesting people online. We'll see how things go. I just need to keep in mind that I can't sleep in tomorrow... blah...


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