
It's Friday!!!

I have some time to kill until I have to go pick up Amber, so I thought I'd write some here. I am incredibly bored. I'm writing here so I wont pace around the house. lol I've already folded a load of laundry, started a new load, put some stuff away, vacuumed my room (how DO you spell that word anyways?), and now there's nothing else to do! Well, I suppose I could put away clean dishes..... nah.

Fishie comes today!! Yay! I do have to drive all the way to her house. But thats ok. I'll enjoy the time to myself on the way up, and we'll have some quality girl time on the way back. So it's all good. And on the way back we have to stop and take Wal*Mart by storm. muahaha!! Ok, so maybe not "by storm" but we do need to make a stop.

Man, I'm having a wicked nap attack... gonna stop in Warner on the way up and get a coffee. I'm so sad, I know where every Dunkin Donuts is within about a 20 mile radius. Well.... most of them. There are two on the way to where I'm doing all my GED stuff! And lets see, theres on in Shaws, there's one in the Shell station on Concord, there's one or two in Epsom, there's one in Warner... (I'm sure I'm missing some) See, I have to stop there for gas anyways, so while I'm there... might as well indulge!

Tomorrow night, all the kids and I are going to see my best friend Adah in her school play, The Sound Of Music! It's gonna be fun. I'll smuggle my camera in and try to get some pictures for you. Ah, the wonders of digital cameras! No flash, please!

Wel, I suppose I should get going. Still have 20 minutes before I have to leave. UGH I'm so bored!


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