
Hindsight is 20/20

If that's so, then I obviously dont have very good hindsight, since my normal sight isn't even close to 20/20!

Had a fun day today at the eye docs. He made my pupils get HUGE!! haha!

I was overdue for an exam, so AA and I went today. I wanted to ask if it was possible for me to get contacts, so I could just buy sunglasses at Wally World. Sadly, 'twas not to be. See, my eye's are in such a shape that I have to wear my glasses every waking hour, just to protect them! My left eye is so weak, that my right eye does all the work. So I need to protect my right eye. If something happens to it, I'm up a creek and not able to see where I'm going! hahah! So I picked out some new frames, they are greeeeen. I also picked out some cool sunglasses to fill with my prescription. Yippie!

Well, time for me to run away again...


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