

Hi Folks!

Wow, it's been a while since I last posted! I need to work on that... But ya know, sometimes life gets the better of you, and leaves you with either no free time, or no inspiration. Kinda stinks. Oh well, I'm here now!

Let's see, to catch you all up on whats been happening with me...

Well, last weekend I went to visit my old church, and spent the weekend with some old friends. That was fun! Cass and Amanda, we need to get together sometime before life gets too busy!

Then I worked during the week.

Wednesday I pick up Amber, Aaron's girlfriend. It is never boring with her around! :-) On the way home, we stopped in to see Mike at Subway. Luckly we happened to come in during a slow point, and we were able to talk for a while before Mike had to go back to work.

And then, hmm... I was sorta sick over the weekend, so I stayed home from church. Saturday night I went to Adah's for her family's seder. That was fun. Jewish food is SOOO yummy!!! I may have to sneak out of school next year to come up for it. heehee

Yesterday evening, I went over to Mike's and we watched Electra. (such a guy movie. lol) Its always fun to go over there, surrounded by guys. :-) I'm almost "one of the guys"..... Andrew was comfortable enough to burp in my ear a couple of times. I think I either have to keep up with them, or get really girly so they treat me like a lady..... I think I'd prefer the former! hahaha! I hope they can teach me a few things about archery because.....

You are looking at Camp Winnekeag's new Archery Instructor! Yup, along with one of the guys from camp, I am teaching something I know nothing about... yet. I guess camp is gonna pay for my training though, which is good, cause I certainly cant afford it!

Well, I think thats all for now!

Tootles my friends!

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