

Ok, before I begin writing, I need to find a mug and some coffee because.... well, just because! Please hold, you're time is not very important to us.....

(elevator music plays)

Ok, I am back, and with my lovely coffee....Now I can write.

It's beautiful outside!!! Last I checked it was 50*, and that was a couple of hours ago. It's sunny! The snow is melting! It's just beautiful!

My fishie is coming tomorrow! (Well, she's really my brother's girlfriend, but hey, she's my fishie!) I just need to figure out if I can meet her halfway, or if I have to drive all the way to her house to get her. It's a loooooong drive to her house, so I'm hoping I only have to go halfway. But the alone time will be nice either way. Plug in some music, set the cruise control (only on the highway) and just go.... ahhhhh. It's a good thing I love driving!

Let's see, what's happening today... Not much I dont think. Once Mom gets home we have to go pick up her car at the garage. Getting inspected. She's been driving my car! Poor Mom, I drove yesterday, and Dad drove last night, Mom has to move the seat forwards about a foot before she can even reach the pedals! I got in to drive yesterday after she came to pick me up, and I crunched my knees into the steering column! But thats ok. I love my Mum!

Sam is watching Shark Tale again. She even SAYS it! It's only a rented movie, but she likes it so much, we're probably gonna have to buy it before too long. She's adorable. She goes over to the DVD shelf and asks for it. Such a smart cookie!

Well, time to make a chocolate milk for my munchkin. ttfn!


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