
One hour, 25 minutes until February!

No real reason for this post....Just something to post before I go to bed and wake up in a new month.

So with that said, I welcome you to February, and I say good night.

Signing off with Santas, fish, and soot; twizzlers, port-a-loo's, and t-shirts; warm thoughts, sandy beaches, and sunshine; and of course, REALLY BIG HUGS!

Happy Last Day Of January!

January has come and gone at last! The month was fun, but entirely TOO COLD.

It is definatly time for February. And in three days, I'll be 19! Yay!!
For this month, I am taking on a new project. I have a wall in my room that already has a few posters, some framed things, and other random papers and drawing on it. I'm going to continue, making that wall one big bulletin board! I'll take progress pictures as I work on it, and will post them here. If anyone has something they would like me to add to the wall, email me!! I'd love to put something up from you!

I'll be adding all kinds of stuff, pictures, drawings, typed stuff, anything!

Gotta run for now. Mom and I are going out today, gonna look for a fedora!! Yay!
Hugs to all!



I swear those kids work against me...

There I was, being nice and playing Uno with them, and how to they show their appreciation? They load me up with 20 reds, blues, and yellows, and then make sure the deck stays GREEN! And then! They remember the handy rule we always use...stacking draw 2s and draw 4s. One round I drew 4, the next I drew 8! Man!

How do 9 year olds outsmart me at that game!! I did manage to get my hand down to 4 cards before Leah finally one, she set me up. She put down her draw 4, making the deck blue. Hannah drew her lotted 4 cards, and I was stuck playing a blue. The end of the game.

Gotta go, celebratory pancakes are ready.


(this space intentionally left blank)

Well, I guess I dont need parental consent to eat a late night snack. Instead I should probably have parental guidance. Thats one more carton of icecream gone...

I dont know why they put it away with only one serving left in the bottom...

Healthy midnight snacker, dat's me!

Good night!

11 O'Clock Blues

Do you ever wonder where "o'clock" came from? Who came up with that?

Anyways, it's 11pm. If I were smart, I'd go to bed. But, as you can see, I'm still here. But I have a reason! A dilemma actually. I have a decision to make.

To eat, or not to eat? That is the question. It's time for me to go to bed, but I'm hungry again! (dont you hate it when that happens?)

My brother and I are the only ones still up, so I could get food without parental consent...but then again, I dont need parental consent to get food, or to eat food. But I'm tired. But I want to stay up to catch a friend online, if he comes online.

So, do I eat and stay up to talk to my friend? Or do I bypass it all and get some sleep? Am I smart, or not?

Guess I'll have to stay up and figure it out. In the meantime, I'm gonna go find something to eat.


I just got done watching "Ever After" with my family. What a sweet love story that is!!
It's always wonderful to see a happy ending that just makes you smile.

Someday I'm gonna have a story-book romance. It may not be THE story-book romance, but it will be MY story-book romance. He may not be Prince Charming, but he'll be the person God has had planned for me from the beginning.

What an awesome thought to look forward to!

Ta ta, my friends! And sweet dreams!

Good Morning!

Ok, so it's 3pm. So what?

Today was a beautiful day! When I woke up this morning, the sun was trickling through the trees, the snow was glistening, everything seemed to be glowing... until I stepped outside to get in the car. Then the cold air kinda made everything seem gray again. :-p

But things got better! Once we left church to come home for lunch, it had warmed up to a BALMY 30 degrees and the sun was shining, and the icicles were dripping little chrystal drops of sunshine.

Right now, it's bright outside, but the shadows of dusk are beginning to form. The icicles have stopped dripping, the sun has gone behind the clouds, and the snow is gradually turning blue.

The house is quiet as people settle in for a nap. In a few hours, everyone will be up again, lively again, and hungry again. The night life and snack time will begin.

Until then, ta ta!


Divine Appointment!

It's amazing who you'll meet in a gas station!

Today, my gas light came on. (it happens sometimes...) So my brother and I pulled into the local Shell to fill up. He washed my windows while I pumped, cause he's a good brother. I went inside to pay and buy a couple sodas. As I went to pay, the cashier asked me what my hat said. (I was wearing my white Stric'ly Jesus hat) I told her, and she asked what it meant. I said "It means my life is strictly for Jesus." She said "So is mine." She told me she's been saved since she was 5, and that it's been hard living in the world, but not of the world. She told me it was good to see young people who are serious about God. When I walked away, she was smiling.

It's always good to smile at people you meet, but thats not always what they look at. Today, I didnt wear my heart on my sleeve, it was on my hat, but people still saw it. This was the first person to comment on it, but I dont even know how many people have read it.

That encounter has had me smiling since. It just goes to show that you can be a witness without even trying. What a good feeling! Maybe I'll wear that hat more often....


BLizzard Update 1-25


The blizzard held off for a whole month. NOW we are getting the snow we needed on Christmas!

It has now been snowing alllllll day. And it snowed two days ago...and three days ago...We have the more snow NOW then we did all winter! And its FREEZING. I REALLY want it to be warm again...I dont want to have to wear three layers under my sweatshirt! I'm really looking forward to Summer now! For several reasons!

Gotta run now. Think warm thoughts for me!



I was sitting here, talking to my favorite person, and then he said something that got me thinking...and then I said something that got him thinking... so there we were, both thinking, and neither of us saying anything!

"Some people say life is too short. Some say it's too long. So who's right? Is it just long enough?"


;-) to my favorite person.


Are you using all your strength?

The story is told of a little guy valiantly but futilely trying to move a heavy log to clear a pathway to his favorite hideout. His dad stood nearby and finally asked him why he wasn't using all his strength. The little guy assured his dad that he was straining with all his might. His dad quietly told him he was not using all his strength, because,
"You have not asked me to help you." (Zig Zigler)

How many times to we assume an "I can do it myself" attitude about life? How many logs do we come across that we try to move by ourselves? And how many times do we just give up?

But you know, we don't need to do it all ourselves.
Philippians 4:13 - I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.
Isaiah 40:29 - He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

God is always standing nearby, waiting for us to ask Him for help. He is always at the ready, poised to reach out and push that log out of the way. All we have to do is ask.
1 John 5:14 - This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

Got a log in your life?
May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. (2 Thessalonians 2:16,17)
He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 1:8)

Prayer Request!

Hello Folks!
I have a prayer request for anyone who happens to read this.

My church is heading down the road to falling apart, going stagnant, and some other bad stuff. My brother (our church's Prayer Ministries Leader) and I are trying to pull together a prayer group. My parents are trying to help us, as well as some others in our church. Along with this endeavor, we have several tough situations in our church that need to be dealt with.

PLEASE pray that those involved have the wisdom, discernment, and guidance they need to handle these situations. God has a plan for our church, but I can see we are letting too many powers-that-be muddle it up.

This is something I feel very strongly about (which means my temper flares up more than occasionally). Please keep us in your prayers.

Obituary of Common Sense

(recieved this through email yesterday)


Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend
by the name of Common Sense who has been with
us for many years.

No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth
records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such
value lessons as knowing when to come in out of
the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and
that life isn't always fair.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial
rules (don't spend more than you earn) and
reliable parenting strategies....
(adults, not kids, are in charge).

His health began to rapidly deteriorate
when well intentioned but overbearing
regulations were set in place.

Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with
sexual harassment for kissing a classmate;
teens suspended from school for using mouthwash
after lunch; and a teacher fired or reprimanding
an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

It declined even further when schools were
required to get parental consent to administer
aspirin to a student; but, could not inform the
parents when a student became pregnant and
wanted to have an abortion. It gave condoms
to boys at school as boys will be boys.

Finally, Common sense lost the will to live as
the Ten Commandments became contraband;
churches became businesses; and criminals
received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after
a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup
of coffee was hot, she spilled a bit in her lap,
and was awarded a huge settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents,
Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion; his daughter,
Responsibility; and his son, Reason.

He is survived by two stepbrothers; My Rights
and Ima Whiner. Not many attended his funeral
because so few realized he was gone.


Home again, Home again, Jiggety Jig.

I'm home!!

Yeah, it's still cold out there.

We got our most recent copy of Adventist Review today, and in it, my Dad found the quote:
"Evangelism is one beggar telling another beggar where the bread is."
I thought that was really cool! And it's true! Christ is the Bread of Life. And we lowly humans have virtualy NOTHING without Him! We are beggars!

Something to think about. :-)


Good Morning!
While I am standing here in the kitchen, eating my waffles, I'm hearing the news (or rather, reading it). We are expecting a snowstorm! It's About Time!

The girls and I are getting ready to go to church, just Sabbath school today. The crazy weather people are predicting -9* today, WITH a windchill! I really would just like to go back to bed, under my three blankets (one being electric). Snow is expected to start after noon-time. I really wish those crazy weather people would find a better job... the weather listens to them! It does just what they say! Man! The power they must have! I wonder what would happen if the people who report car crashes had that power! Or sports!

But besids that, it's darn cold here. I dont even want to go outside, my nose freezes. Hannah and Leah had better wear enough clothes today, I won't take complaining about cold. They didnt HAVE to come. lol

Time to go get a mocha and another round of waffles (or would it be a square of waffles?). I'll write again this afternoon when I get back.
Huge Hugs!


I have no title for this post...

I am sitting here, in front of my computer, eating the last of the Mint Cookie Caverns icecream straight from the box. Icecream always tastes better that way... slowly melting...

Mom is beside me, looking on, eating peanutbutter out of the jar, left over from her banana. Ooh, she just grabbed another banana after reading what I typed. heehee. Gotta love Mom.

It's almost 11 pm. My brother is in his room, complaining about a website that needs DESPERATE help.

Not a whole lot happened today... we started early on our Spring Cleaning. The house looks pretty good now! I scared Mom today... I did dishes. Took her a while to realize it was me, then she asked me if I was feeling alright... why is that? Hmm...

I'm currently studying world history in school... pretty boring, but must be done. I'm considering reading The Great Controversy at the same time, to see how things go together. Should be interesting!

I've been updating my website a lot too... I have a lot I want to do with it, just need to make time around school and family to work on it.

Every morning I wake up to the CD in my stereo. (funny that) And the first song I hear in the morning, when I first wake up, is the song called "More" by Matthew West. Amazing song! Imagine waking up to hear:
I love you more
Than the sun and the stars
That I tought how to shine
You are mine
And you shine for me too
I love you
Yesterday, and today,
And tomorrow
I'll say it again and again
I love you more!

What a way to start the day! I've also been starting each day by reading a little in The Messiah, a modern adaptation of "The Desire Of Ages". Good book so far! Thats one to read with a highlighter in hand!

Early mornings are also going to end up the best time to catch me online, as I HAVE to buckle down on school work. I'll usually be online from 6:30 to 9-ish, and again in the evenings, late like tonight. TRYING to improve my study habits (or lack thereof)!

Now, as my icecream is mostly melted and drips everytime I take a bite, I'm going to leave you with a verse I've come across recently. (pulling out my Bible and journal...)

"In light of all this, here's what I want you to do. While I'm locked up here, a prisoner for the Master, I want you to get out there and walk -- better yet, run! -- on the road God called you to travel. I don't want any of you sitting around on your hands. I don't want anyone strolling off, down some path that goes nowhere. And mark that you do this with humility and discipline -- not in fits and starts, but steadily, pouring yourselves out for each other in acts of love, alert at noticing differences and quick at mending fences.
You were all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so stay together, both outwardly and inwardly. You have one Master, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who rules over all, works thought all, and is present in all. Everything you are and think and do is permeated with Oneness."
Ephesians 4: 1-6 The Message

Good night!

It's 3:26, do you know where your brain is?

I do!

Anyways, I was just taking a break to find chocolate and crack my back, and I picked up my little "Pocket Power Book of Integrity". In it I found a couple quotes that are pretty good. Just thought I'd share!

"The true test of character is what one thinks, says, or does when no one is watching."

"Watch your thoughts, because they become your words. Watch your words, because they become your actions. Watch your actions, because they become your habits. Watch your habits, because they become your character. Watch your character, because it becomes your destiny"

"Listen to your heart as much as you do your head."

"A true test of your character: Do you remain the same under intense pressure?"

Just thought those were interesting!


Website updated!

Well folks, I have updated my website! Now there is something on every page, even if it's not much. As I said before, there are pics from Florida up. I've also put up a bio of sorts, and some other stuff... It's really not supposed to be an 'I love me' site, honest! I just did a website about what I know, thats all! It's a work in progress, so there will be more. If I find the time, that is!!!

Should run for now. Much love all around!

Here's a thought...

What if it were me
That lost someone
When the towers fell?
What if?

What if it were me
Who cried at the loss
Of an airplane victim?
What if?

Wat if it were me
Whose husband left for war
And never came home?
What if?

What if it were me
Whose child was kidnapped,
Molested, and killed?
What if?

What if it were me
Whose son was killed
Just because?
What if?

What if it were me
Whose entire regiment died
Under attack from enemies?
What if?

What if it were me
Whose house was flooded
By hurricane winds and rain?
What if?

What if it were me
Whose family was swept away
By a 40-foot wave?
What if?

What if it were me
Who had nothing left
But God?
What if?

What if it were me?


Tuesday Morning Thinking Stuff....yeah.....

This morning I was sitting here by my computer, coffee by my side, and my Bible open in front of me. While I was looking at a few interesting verses, I was hit with the feeling that I should move into ministry instead of counseling. I looked at the website for the college I want to attend, Andrews University, as well as another college, SAU, and checked out their religion majors. Like they knew I was coming, they both offered exactly what I had in mind. SAU offers a B.A. in Religion Edu. for carreers like a academy Bible teacher, which is one area I've been thinking about. And Andrews offers a B.A. in youth ministry, the other area I'd thought about. Hmmm...

So now I need to pray about which direction God wants me to go in! Pray for me!



Why is it friendships have to dissolve so easily?
Why is it certain people can make me so mad, all I can do is cry?
Why is it someone can make me smile for a week or more, with only a few words?
Why is it a voice is so important?
Why is it I feel so old, but so young at the same time?
Why am I so patient with some people, and have such a short fuse with others?
Why do I love driving so much?
Why do I want to grow up so fast, and why do I want to stay a kid?
Why is music such an important part of my life?
Why is it so important for me to make people smile?
Why is it I can sing at the top of my lungs in the car, but clam up in front of other people?
Why is it I can only be around a huge crown of people for just so long?
Why am I not big on deep water?
Why have I gotten so serious about things I once didnt really bother with?
Why is coffee so yummy?
Why is it women love chocolate?
Why is it some guys just dont get it?
Why can I find the answer to almost any question in my Bible?
Why can I get my thoughts down better on paper than by speaking them?
Why do I enjoy being by myself so much?

Why do I ask so many questions?

More Florida Pictures!

I got the album up! Check out my website, under the Photo section. You'll find them!
Let me know what you think!



Silly Sisters!

This is my sister, Sam, and I... I told her to "smile pretty!" and this is what I got! The picture looks different cause my camera was on the wrong setting... but it actually came out pretty cool!

Sam was wiggling all over when my family met me at the airport Friday... she couldn't wait to get out of that stroller and give me a hug. Once those little baby arms were around my neck, they weren't moving... She wanted nothing to do with anyone else! I think she missed me!!!


First Full Day Home...

Well, I have now been home for a full day. I am still SO tired!!!

Tomorrow, I'm planning on sleeping in as late as I possibly can tomorrow! I have a lot of it to catch up on!

I'm going to try to put together a webalbum of all the pics from our week in Florida, but I won't make any promises...I'll try!!! They are DEFINATLY worth seeing! I'll have my Mom help me out with that, she knows more about it then I do. :-)

I shouldnt stay too long...Dad's playing some cool theme songs from OLD tv shows. It's funny to see how many I actually know!!!

Mr. Ed is playing now, must go!
Big Hugs!

Pictures from Florida!

We arrived in Orlando on Jan. 7th. We had some time to kill before the rest of our party arrived, so the girls and I took the opportunity to celebrate our arrival in the Sunshine State! As soon as we were able, we ditched the socks and shoes, put on our flip-flops, and went outside and painted our toenails PINK!

Florida pic 2

Sabbath, Jan. 8. Lunch was yummy and quite fancy! Thats my friend Hannah and me, very hungry!

Florida pic 3

Sunday, after getting our booth set up, we relaxed a bit... my brother took a picture of me -- taking a picture! Ha!

Florida pic 4

Taking some time for ourselves on Sunday, Jan. 9th, we went to The Sizzler, a delicious buffet in Orlando. Dessert, as always, was the best. Thats my friend Katie with me.

Florida pic 5

We got our picture taken with an oversized Raggedy Anne doll outside a former FAO Shwarts ( I think I spelled that right!) The store was closed and empty while we were there, but the big toys outside were still there! Free time on Jan. 9th.

Florida pic 6

Detail of the picture with Raggedy Anne.

Florida pic 7

We spent 4 hours a day in our booth, 10-2. During the slow points, the cameras came out, and we had some fun...

Florida pic 8

Breakfast on Jan. 11th. The food was REALLY good for most of the week. This day inparticular was a sort of quiche; eggs, spinach, and mushrooms.. it was yummmy! That's me with Darlene (center) and Chrystal.

Florida pic 9

Miss Elizabeth and me! She and I had several long talks over the weekend about life, love, and teenagers. (yes, we talked about you too, Jordan! *wink*)

Florida pic 10

A beautiful self-portrait in the back of the van, coming back from one of our few excursions. Jan. 13th.

Florida pic 11

At the hotel, getting ready to leave, 5am Friday morning, Jan 14th.

Florida pic 12

At the airport in Orlando, 6am, ready to go home...


Home At Last!

Hi Folks.
We are home again. We travelled from 80 degrees and sun, to 30 degrees and snow. Well, Ok, so it was raining REALLY HARD when we left... all week it had been warm!

Our flight home was pretty good. It was just us 5 teens this time, no adult with us. (Wait a sec.. I'm an adult now....technically.) Everyone was tired though, after getting up at 4am, wouldnt you be? But it led to some not so hot experiences on the way home, and a severe power stuggle between the two oldest of our group. But we all survived, and made it home safely.

I would write more now, but I am utterly worn out. My eyelids keep sticking together! ha! I'm gonna run for now and try to stay awake for a couple more hours at least.

Hugs to everyone! and one BIG hug to someone special! ;-)



Hey folks! I'm here in Florida. IT'S WARM!!! I have gone swimming at least three times so far.

We have been having a wonderful time meeting people and praying with people as they come by our booth. On the flight here, we met a wonderful woman on the plane, and discovered quickly that we were going to the same place, for the same convention! We've seen her several times while we've been here, she is a wonderful person, a real sweetheart, and a strong prayer warrior.

I bought a book today, The Messiah. It's a contemporary adaptation of the Desire Of Ages. Wonderful book. And I even got it signed by the author, Jerry D. Thomas!

We've had some amazing experiences here, and some very powerful prayer times. We have been invited to come to about 7 different conferences around North America, from Canada, to Colorado, to right back here in Florida!

I am going to sign off for now, I have some emails I need to send, and then I'm gonna round up my kids, and we're going swimming for a while before we head out to eat with Pastor Harry Sabnani.
Take care all!


The night before...

WAHOO!!!!!! We leave for Florida tomorrow morning!!!!

This will be my last post from Northern New England until the 15th! I will be able to post from Florida though, whenever I have time, and whenever my brother doesnt have the computer. hehehe

I am really looking forward to this trip. It will be my first time flying! I have no clue what I'll be doing or having to do in the airport, so I am very glad I'll be travelling with others who have flown before!

As I am writing this we are in the process of making PIZZA! Dad made the crust and everything, the whole house smells like garlic. Mmmmmm.......

One of the girls going to FL with us is already here, and the other two teens are on their way here from Maine. Right now it is snowing, quite heavily too. It's freezing or below. And tomorrow we head south where it will be upper 70's and 80's all week! Our hotel has two heated pools, complete with slides! I'll come home all FRECKLED! heehee

Gotta run for now... My stomach is rioting again. Pizza will be ready soon!

hugs ans love to all, will write again from FLORIDA!


Sleepless Efforts

Tonight I am posting from my Mom's computer in the living room. Every now and then my brother (17) and my sister (2) run by in an effort to tire her out. They have run through the room countless times, first Sam chasing Aaron, then Aaron chasing Sam. Sam's hair is blowing lightly in the breeze she creates.

Now she's hiding in her cupboard, waiting for Dad to come in and find her. I can hear her humming to herself, and banging her head against the inside walls. When she is quiet, and the door is closed, you can't even tell she is in there. She peeks out, and wiggles all over when she hears Dad come in. Finally, she can't take it anymore, and run out with a giggle to get her hug.

Two-year olds are fun. :-)


Matthew 25:34-40

"Then then King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.
35. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in,
36. I needed clothes and you clothed me,
I was sick and you looked after me,
I was in prison and you came to visit me.

37. "Then the righteous will answer him,
'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you,
or thirsty and give you something to drink?
38. When did we see you a stranger and invite you in,
or needing clothes and clothe you?
39. When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'

40. "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"

Whatever you do for the least of these....

We are currently reading about all the effort put into the areas hit by the earthquake and tsunamis. Many people have reached out and done what they can to help the people affected. Some have donated supplies, some have donated money, and some are right there, in the thick of things, helping where they can.

I know God is crying over the lost lives, but I also know He is rejoicing over the efforts everyone is putting in to help those who have survived.

Not everyone is in a position to donate money, or to send supplies, or to work in the areas. But everyone is able to pray. I ask that we all take a moment or two out of our days to say a prayer for the people who are suffering so many losses, who lost homes, family members, livelihoods. For the people who are searching continually for more survivors and missing people. And for the people who are working with those who have been found, who are in need of medical care, who are unable to care for themselves now.

I can't even begin to imagine losing my family, or my friends, to something like this. But that earthquake could have just as easily hit off our coastline.

Whatever you do for the least of these, you have done unto Me.

Something to think about.

Monday Morning Musings

Hi Folks! Beautiful day, isnt it?

I am sitting here at my computer with my mocha-chino on one side of me, and my little sister on the other side of me, with her "do-do" (cocoa).

Today it feels like late March outside... The snow is mostly melted, and the sleet we got last night has made everything wet and smell like it just rained. I can't see the thermometer from where I am sitting, but at 10:30, it was 45* outside. I'm considering taking a walk to the mailbox because it's so nice out there! (A walk to the mailbox is an excursion. We have a long driveway.) We'll see!

I leave for Florida in 4 days. Yay!!! Just checked the weather for Orlando. We're looking at 80's for the first half of the week! Wahoo!!! I get to go swimming, wear shorts, and FLIP-FLOPS!! This is going to be a fun week. :-) And the "Complimentary high-speed wireless internet access" that the hotel sweetly supplies means I will be able to keep in touch with everyone from Florida!! I'll have my camera with me, as well as my webcam, so you all may be able to join in the fun now and then... but no promises.:-)

While the trip will be fun, this week before is going to be busy! I have too much to do! Ack!

I can see the bottom of my mug, so that tells me it's time for me to get up and get moving and refill!
Much love and hugs!


For the girls. (but guys can read too)

"I was so unique
Now I feel skin deep
Count on the makeup to cover it all
Crying myself to sleep
'Cause I cannot keep their attention
Thought I could be strong
But it's killing me
Someone hear my cry
I'm dying for new life

I wanna be beautiful
Make you stand in awe
Look inside my heart
And be amazed
I want to hear you say
Who I am is quite enough
Just wanna be worthy of love
And beautiful

Sometimes I wish I was someone
Other than me
Fighting to make the mirror happy
Trying to find
Whatever is missing
Won't you help me back to glory"

The song is called "Beautiful", sung by Bethany Dillon.

How many times have we, as girls, wanted to be beautiful, feel beautiful, be told we are beautiful? We look for worldly acceptance. We see some star or model surrounded by guys and wonder, why can't I have that? Maybe if we use a little more makeup, or lose a little more weight, or wear clothes a little bit tighter, maybe then we'll be "beautiful". Maybe then people will stand in awe of us. Maybe then we'll be worthy of love.

But after we try all that, how many times to we just feel like it isnt enough? Like we STILL are lacking something? Like we STILL aren't complete? Like we are still not beautiful?

We all have our moments, now matter how secure we are in our own skin, when we wonder, "what if?" I've had times where I wonder if I'll catch that guy's eye if I wear that shirt tugged a little lower. Or maybe some other guy will notice if I wear more makeup then usual. But in the end, I just feel silly.

The point is, we girls are so much more beautiful when we are ourselves, and not just cut from the cookie cutter. And on top of that, when we have a healthy relationship with Christ, we just glow, and can't help it!

The last chorus of that song says it all:
"You make me beautiful
You make me stand in awe
You step inside my heart
And I am amazed
I love to hear You say
Who I am is quite enough
You make me worthy of love
And beautiful!"

I know that who I am IS enough. I dont have to be someone else. If someone doesnt love me for me, then they aren't worth my time.

When I got serious about God, I stood in awe. It was like I was standing outside of a bubble, watching myself grow up and change, and I saw where I started, and where I am now. You wouldn't believe the change that took place. And is still taking place!

When Christ is a part of your life you are beautiful. And no one can tell you otherwise!

Thats all for now, folks.
(Greetings to Judd. giggle)