
For the girls. (but guys can read too)

"I was so unique
Now I feel skin deep
Count on the makeup to cover it all
Crying myself to sleep
'Cause I cannot keep their attention
Thought I could be strong
But it's killing me
Someone hear my cry
I'm dying for new life

I wanna be beautiful
Make you stand in awe
Look inside my heart
And be amazed
I want to hear you say
Who I am is quite enough
Just wanna be worthy of love
And beautiful

Sometimes I wish I was someone
Other than me
Fighting to make the mirror happy
Trying to find
Whatever is missing
Won't you help me back to glory"

The song is called "Beautiful", sung by Bethany Dillon.

How many times have we, as girls, wanted to be beautiful, feel beautiful, be told we are beautiful? We look for worldly acceptance. We see some star or model surrounded by guys and wonder, why can't I have that? Maybe if we use a little more makeup, or lose a little more weight, or wear clothes a little bit tighter, maybe then we'll be "beautiful". Maybe then people will stand in awe of us. Maybe then we'll be worthy of love.

But after we try all that, how many times to we just feel like it isnt enough? Like we STILL are lacking something? Like we STILL aren't complete? Like we are still not beautiful?

We all have our moments, now matter how secure we are in our own skin, when we wonder, "what if?" I've had times where I wonder if I'll catch that guy's eye if I wear that shirt tugged a little lower. Or maybe some other guy will notice if I wear more makeup then usual. But in the end, I just feel silly.

The point is, we girls are so much more beautiful when we are ourselves, and not just cut from the cookie cutter. And on top of that, when we have a healthy relationship with Christ, we just glow, and can't help it!

The last chorus of that song says it all:
"You make me beautiful
You make me stand in awe
You step inside my heart
And I am amazed
I love to hear You say
Who I am is quite enough
You make me worthy of love
And beautiful!"

I know that who I am IS enough. I dont have to be someone else. If someone doesnt love me for me, then they aren't worth my time.

When I got serious about God, I stood in awe. It was like I was standing outside of a bubble, watching myself grow up and change, and I saw where I started, and where I am now. You wouldn't believe the change that took place. And is still taking place!

When Christ is a part of your life you are beautiful. And no one can tell you otherwise!

Thats all for now, folks.
(Greetings to Judd. giggle)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great, I think it is so true. well worth the time it took to read.

ashley knows who this is.